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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Pseudonym

  1. This is hard. I think I like Wezio, but dante's decisions are unimpeachable. Also I still owe dante like 120k in game and I don't know how to get it to him.
  2. I think what Tyrone is really saying is that he needs your support in dealing with Pseudonym.
  3. theres literally 308 in the bottom left
  4. Thing Number 4: Despite all this, he's still always right.
  5. I will not, but I appreciate the feedback regardless.
  6. Yo Dante! Can I get a 650 refill? Thanks.
  7. bump
  8. When we use such language against someone else we find annoying, it undermines our own attempts to make the forums a better place. If you want the bad apples removed from the barrel, then you need to lead by example by taking the highground. If you act just like one of the bad apples, then to any outside observer it just seems like a bad apple fighting with another bad apple.
  9. Dante farmed 825 red phosphorus for me the other day. Dante provides to us, but now we must ask; how us, provides to Dante? I am officially going to start comping 10% of all my comps to Dante. My most recent comp was about 1.02 mil, so I officially owe Dante 102k. Dante bless, ~ Pseudonym
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