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Posts posted by Orgondo

  1. I’ve never understood why anyone would have an issue with sacrifices done by us, because think about it this way. We take you all the way out to bum fuck no where, on an island with no garage in a 5k+ range. Where we sacrifice/kill you in restraints, don’t get salty because we killed you in restraints instead be glad we did that instead of robbing you and leaving your ass there. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, Homicide said:

    Hmmmm Deals with Tree after fuking Main Over yea ya credibility is through the ground ill pass 

    Consideing you wouldn’t even be able to afford one of the vehicles i don’t think he really gives a shit, also since I know you’re pretty retarded, Admins can arrange vehicle trades therefore scamming isnt a possibility. 

  3. 45 minutes ago, MAV said:

    close to processing? can easily do SUV runs with low loss if ya boys try and rob them, not everyone has a shed 2 clicks from pro and a 20 man army to protect them if they get robbed like Tree does..

    Any house in 23 is better than that one, just statin facts.

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