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Everything posted by korsakof

  1. wtf lol wel first of you always keep hate love relations. i dislike some members of mc. but its not just mc. you have the sporty ones and you have the no improvisation ones and to be honest. there is just 1 gang that i cant stand apart from 1 guy in there. let me tell you that is not mc.
  2. forum's .. lol always going off topic. well i for one do appreciate what thy have done. how ever i have to say i don't always agree on dissensions. but i like the player base at least most of them.
  3. what happend then >? would love to know what was going on.
  4. as soon amarica wake's up.. its filled to the top. before that both are already in to the 70 ish people. but out of interest. how many players are average on Olympus, just so we also know what you guy's are talking about. you guy's have numbers we only see what we see. those are momentum diagnoses. poseidon nice work mate. hades good luck with all the rule's. btw do more people have it that every 12 or so min you have a frame drop for 2 sec >? {edit} i see / notice a lot of people leaving sins thy cant join the server as thy are over full. i understand you need to test stuff. its just pitty most of them are in the group i used to play with.
  5. question to you... how is it that the first chinooks already fly >? it just takes a wile.. and that is exactly what thy ment to do.. if you got to much cash.. you would just troll kavala for example. i stand behind them that its good. if you want to earn a lot more as 10k.. go fish tuna and catshark. worth about 16000 on filled backpack
  6. not just that. for me as europian i see lagspike's that are sick. so i wonder if the 2 100 man servers are better..
  7. AMD Gvr or as it is also called : raptr its not only for amd and supports more. just for that and how to set it up. i quickly did some screen shots. but you should have no trouble with that at all as its way to easy. if you have installed and launch it. push the home button and you will see :1 if you want to go to the settings you simply hover with your mouse over record to get as followed : 2 select the minute's you want it to capture in the past. enable or disable your own microphone/webcam/game sounds as followed : 3 then you go to the top Tab's and select Quality. here you select what quality you want to record. just select one of the pre-sets low/med/high : 4 last you can select where to store it. to do so select Location's tab at the top. set it up as you want or leave it standard : 5 btw at pic 4 you can see i have selected Optimize videos for upload and share. this is for there Plays.tv. not that i use it a lot. but it could be handy in my opinion and yea i love this. Shadow play is really good for nfidia users. otherwise i would suggest Raptr
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