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About Computer

  • Birthday 10/05/1920

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  1. I'm liking it...

  2. happy birthday. I got you a copy of windows '98 as a gift.

  3. I hate going on vacation....I won't be able to play for 3 days now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Computer


      You gonna meta-life me?!? Palm Springs with the wife and kids for two of their birthdays.

    3. Mango


      Now he's gonna show up and rob you :D

    4. Computer


      Ill be sure to lock my car, and group....

  4. Awww, but I wanna watch me die from some one else's eyes! Don't worry it's what I get for running towards gunshots lol. I think the burden of common sense is on both the perpetrator and the victim. It's kind of stupid to report after an obvious mistake in a tense situation and just proves you are a vindictive internet warrior that wanks off to getting people banned. What I should do though is wait for you to post it then submit your own video hahahah. Just kidding I'm not a dick....today.
  5. No wonder every time I talk it smells like a fart....Computer, bringing asinine humor to every situation.
  6. The sports hatchback is a death machine for me...more like P2L. 250kmhr into a tree or fence every time my GPS can't keep up and drops streets is hardly an advantage! Now those hats with headphones are totally fashion OP. Some one needs to nerf that.
  7. I type!.....since I'm a Computer and all....beat that RP voice bitches.
  8. In the midst of all the whining and moaning about how the server wipes are going to suck I wanted to thank you guys (and the players that have been backing up the wipe with positive vibes). I am by no means a hardcore player as I have a very busy job (60+ hours a week) plus a wife and kids. I understand that people don't always have the time to grind and get to be multi-millionaires. After playing this weekend I realized that the new server makes things much more enjoyable. Everything has a sense of real danger to it. Just crashing your offroad or having a bounty can really screw up your plans. I find myself (and others) being much more careful and friendly due to a real fear of losing what they have. There is now value to vehicles, guns, clothes, etc. Eventually people will become super rich again but for now I am very much enjoying the new environment. So again, thank you for your hard work and patience with all the whiners out there!
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  9. Being a computer and all I LOVE it when servers "go down".
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