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Everything posted by Theak
So to answer the question asked to me. Yes you can rent one of my houses fill it with somethING legal and then ask for an apd escort to sell. Not 100% sure you'll get a responcible but it's like a good 20%. Buahah. Plan it out ask when is a good time and work it out with them.
So to answer the question asked to me. Yes you can rent one of my houses fill it with somethING legal and then ask for an escort to sell.
Well civs now you know to ask. Lol
Ie. legal runs. Awhile back we did, some took a cut some did it cause they were bord. I liked to help so I did it because usually it attacked people with good bounties so I was getting paid regardless for my work I put in.
O wow. I wasn't paying attention to steam. Ill get on later and give keys to the one house and 2 garages to the tree of you. So I will also offer group discounts too great idea! I don't want to see gang wars outside my homes but...( accually that would be cool) if you have a group or gang that all would like keys I will do a bulk deal for garage key for as little as a day to a max of a month. I reserve the right to remove AnyONEs access deemed cancerous. Thank you for all the nice pms. I think the private info we will keep to steam. To find your uid go to your profile and scroll down a little, it's on the left side. It's also your steam url, it's the long numbers. O and yes I will sling load your hemmet. Deposit is the ins. My cut will depend on my time. Your done and waiting with the toe straps on, a to b I would be glad to assist. Think I'm going to fly across the map wait an hr to get titaned.. not gonna happen. If I get titaned and you loose your hemmet that's arma but I'm a nice guy and can work with you. Want to use my storage that's gonna be a bigger fee because I have to do more work. As I've shown time and time again I can dog planes and more than not titans in the orcha, (sure I've been shot down before, I can't remember the last time, I think it was when I messed up and flew directly through blackwater mid turn.)
If I have a bad tenet I can revoke keys. I could maybe do someone with the apd and rentING my cars, but I would have to be confident in the skill level of the apd, I'll let you know when I see that. Lol xd. Admins, I would need if they decide to contract a car to rent and then they chop it not part of the deal. If they get it chopped they don't get the deposit back which will be the full ins. I'm not new or dumb lol. I know the risKS and I see the state of the server is in trouble. So for now the cars and trucks are off limits. Another house contracted for 2 days and another happy garage mate.
one of the 3 houses is currently being rented with one being off the market because im using it, alot of interest in my garage keys, i will accually be putting a higher terrif on the garages instaid of 50k a week it iwll be 100k a week. this will not effect the people whom have already paid in advance. If you see another person using my garage that you want to use aswell be curtious and wait. enemy gang member .. well thats up to you to kill them but if it becomes a camping issue your keys will be revoked with no refund. Sale! while offer lasts 100k a day if you do 4 or more days. 500k for 7 days( weekend is free basically) So far so good. nothing from staff but thats fine. they are trying to unfuck the server. Vechicles will still be off limits for the time being unless i have a few friends on doing a joint run. Need a lift? im usually in the air hit me up for a non hostile lift. ( got to dodge a armed plain yesterday for while i gave a buddy the tour, "arent you worried" he says, buhahah nope!, good stuff!, nice attempt pilot bw you hit him once how was the tour of the moutains buahahahahaahah)
Another house rented, 2 day contract. Thank you for business and good luck. The houses/garages I'm not worried about. You pay upfront and the worst you could do would be take the extra food and stuff. Eh. You are responsible for your run. If you get that house raided it's on you. (Any house bait type ghosting will be reported, ie. You rent my house fill it up and raid it on cop.) However the cars and stuff ima probably hold off on unless I'm on and doing a run with you or until I hear this idea green lighted. Support team could handle this stuff easily.
Be nice to your new garage mates
Just isn't worth it for me anymore on that level. Ever since people started buying money and camping. What do you guys think staff has to do. You broke the deal, click click ban. Done And no I don't mean their everyday stuff. I hope it catches on and people start helping eachother out, in staid of killing eachother last second and keeping it all. Trust... it's just not here because of the trolls. It's a good idea just remember whom your sharing what with. Depending on the size and location I would reccommend 150k a day at least. But all my stuff is fully upgraded and in key areas. I could prob get more but I'm not greedy.
Well it's happening. 1 garage and a propertie are currently in use. I still have a house and 2 garages.(multiple use the garage, replace what you use. 30 w 30b 10lp 10 zips 5 bb 2 epis...) it's really nice when you need something and o ya I have keys to this garage right here bam! Saves day hero yaaaa Current opening for that house will be in 3 days, he was asking for people to help gather. Admins sure have stuff to do,but I know how easy it is to give the hammer for failed rp. I don't want any code rewritten! Nope you don't get to spawn there. Nope you don't get 'i' inventory unless I'm on and am ok with it. Also, i wasn't just asking staff or a admin. I'm saying the entire community should embrace this consept. Speeking of grinding, I have a bunch of unprocessed oil, mooneshine, for thee interested aswell. Again don't go wild people, I don't want new code. It's literally as easy as this ready to take notes lol. Hey you want to use this house cool here's what I want per day. Ok cool here you go. K thanks. Now let's say he somehow they break the deal, lets say with his partner but we had mutually agreed. Then the person who broke the contract gets a failed rp ban for a few days. Wow now that was easy! Don't undercut the staff here. It takes alot to deal with all the kids complaining. It's easy to get triggered in this game too. It's currently in need of a pick me up with all the current ... issues... with arma. Don't want to use my stuff. ...ok then why are you commenting. Buahah The funnest part is the noobs aren't all on the forms and I asked a guy in game and he was so cool he told a buddy and now they will both have a nice foot hold within the next 3 days they should make alot together. Vechiles I will loan if I know you, until the government shows interest, I'm not gonna let you use it and then chop a tempest lol sorry. I do have people asking if I'll take items or ingredients, I will maybe take a cut of processed items but it would be you giving me the processed items before you get keys. I will also have to sell so you will need more of said item. Hope I answered your questions. You need keys to my garages I wonder if it would indeed lighten the workload. You gonna screw someone over knowing the government WILL be banning you for failed rp. I dought it. Now for the favoritism and gang privalage i can't speak for . Xd We have plenty of staff, and yes they are vollenters that care about the growth and expansion of the servers. They defend it like warriors. Thats why they should be glad to do it. They arent doing it for the money now are they. For now it's damage contol for problems that they can't fix. And I just realized... it wouldnt be more work it would be more accountable work. Meaning long term you getting rid of the people whom are making their vollenter work aids. Ie, easing the work load. Only trolls wouldnt like this idea as it protects people form the scum trying to harm the server. It upgrades an idle complaint with little to no evidence to full 100% accountablility. Why is this good, well the people that are gonna troll are gonna troll. Eventually they will get enough bans to build up to a perm if they continue. Instead of getting away with it and every one having to see a rant about how someone got screwed by some b.s. gang. Something can then accually be done about the cancer that chases off new people.
Are you new? Tired of having to walk away from a nearly compete a run when you have to go or something goes wrong? Can't afford to buy a home owners insurance and 2 mill to get a decent piece of property, let alone the 2 mill in upgrades? Are there no 'good' properties for sale in your area? Look no further! I am proposing a contract that the GOVERNMENT of Olumpus could, *if willing , enforce. I took a break and came back but don't see myself sticking to civ life for most part, more of a here and there occurance. (medics another story ill be on all the time probably fly in the skys of altis) I keep seeing new players talking about getting screwed over by the trolls of olymous backing out and taking advantage of their ignorance, thus making the new player feel unwelcome and they leave. How would it work you ask? Great question! First you pm me that you are interested with your steam id, and the areas of altis that would interest you. We then discuss availabilities of assests and the terms of use. Once terms are acceptable, you sign the contract( ie I (player name) agree to these terms.....) IF either side breaks the agreement the governement (admins) can make the call on what appropriate actions need to be taken. Why do you need my steam id? When you let someone have keys you can see whos online and whos not. however if they are not loged on you just see their player steam id. Lets say 2 people were in agreement to rent a property, we will say garage, and one persons lease/rent is up they can be easily removed without having to clear house so to speak. Also, lets say you think hey ill just rob the house now that i have keys(if multiple people are sharing), well thats where the governemnt (admins) could then see punitive damage or give out passport denials. What all could this include? (houses, garages, vehicles, commodities) Have to much corn and need some sugar... why not lets trade. All this and more are at your finger tips. now 2 things, the governemt should think about this as it could expaind trust within the community. yes people do this all the time but all the time people get screwed too. Im comfortable doing this because im not going to be using the assests to their fullest abilitys and it seems a waste. People at the least know of me and that I'm trustworthy. Everyone focuses on robing the island blind, srangaling the already bottlenecked noobies that come and go. Why not try to help people get started, get more invested, and feel safer with their play time. I put a thing up about extra moonshine and other items i had and it got alot of attention. Yes i'm really gonna do this regardless if the government wants to take this chance to back this idea or not. I will go more into detail later or upon request. its an idea i have kicked around for awhile so this is just skin deep. Mr. Theak
Isaac Newton, you are probably the best lawyer/mediator i have ever seen. you defend this server like brave heart! Let me say i am not trash talking the server. i think all the new things are great, and no they don't all work out but your trying and thats the point. The fact that he was breaking the rules so ... ew... it just immidatly puts that distaste back in my mouth. Thats behavoir that made alot of people leave and keep new players from sticking around. Its a soft rp server sure, its a game, sure, but then why play if its no longer fun. As for people playing roles, its a game, that has to be made clear its a game ment to have fun on. I have seen many many many people break the rules and i have personally turned in alot too. i mean the whole massive ban of the higher up medics awhile back that was crazy! I jumped on after taking a break from and i get caught off guard by a MEDIC breaking the rules so openly and in such destructive mannor. I record all the time and this guy just got lucky that i was playing on king of the hill for 4 hours recording and i wasn't paying attention and ran out of room. He was completely destructive with his actions. yes destructive, we worked on killing those tools, spent money on guns, titans, stole some coke off another trollish gang (that was worth it anyway, a whole tempest load that they didnt get), spent the time and engery into enjoying the game, and just like that in less than 5 mins ruined by one medic in it for the 30k or w.e it is now. ( or he was just being bias which is worse) This completely made me question why i even came back as a civ. honestly whats the point is the only question i keep asking myself. As for proof, knowing what the admins can see, you know all you have to do is go look at the logs, see us telling the medics to stop. I dont think it should be our full responsibility on this one as it is something that is loggable.( guess i can't say that, i never admined for olympus, maybe i should apply, but on the koth server i help we can see the logs) check the servers text, check the direct from the other player, check the revives. that easy done. now i dont know what kind of admin programs your using so maybe you can't see that but if you could its cut and dry. And thats asking someone to look through last nights logs to even find when im talking about and thats rediculous that someone would have to do that to stop someone breaking the rules. There are people buying olymus cash with moms credit card and then making fun of people who are accualy grinding for it. Idc that your buying money but then shaming players for playing the game... REALLY?! So a we went to king of the hill for awhile because thats all teh server was aiming toword was the ddossed gangwars that usually flopped due to ... a troll. If I only had the footage! it was so bad i would have montoged it for sure. but i ran out of space and it didnt save. HOWEVER, i wasn't the only one recording and i believe that person is taking the proper steps to report. I have been in multiple roles for the server, i know how the report works. 'inssufficent evidence' unless you take my word, which alot of people would back, the 18oo+hrs ive loged in multiple roles and a lot of trolls would trash talk me which makes my word worth 2 times as much. it bothers them your doing it right. I had notified the medics, then other other person notified the medics. then i put 3 round near him, then i put 3 rounds in his car. ( these were placed rounds, calculated, not missed spray shots which would have been easyily seen in the video lol) He just kept going, then the other player killed him tring to revie the next player. *NOTE i do not kill medics its shamefull. the other player even gave him 2 chances to stop. in direct aswell. Weather or not the medic gets even a verbal, its crazy the chances that i get on and see this. p.s. to the kids that want to troll. Why dont you put that engery into homework like math, or aiming... buahahahahah ( i know i could use a bit of spelling edumication ) anyway, this was put here in general because its just general talk. for others the that like to play with me that heard i might be comming back... buahah well this was day one. maybe ill see how its going later. ill prob be a medic and help all you lovely players out again like the oldin days. Shoot idk whos left of some of the good origianl players. but anyway see ya around and thanks isaac newton for your words
I came back to Olympus to have a look around today and i can believe it. a medic who doesn't value his life reving the other gang while we are clearly in a fight. Texted warned, even told over direct. I wasn't like that when i was a medic thats for sure. "i thought, maybe ill come back and see how the good ol rp servers doing today." first thing i see is a medic not valuing his life. Is this a new thing.. can medics just keep reviving and then immidatly come back... cause that was called ghosting and i saw a few people get the boot because of it. I came back to honor the good times and the fun i had here but was immidatly met with someone breaking rules. Who knows, so much has changed maybe medics just get to do what they want buahaha all and all. server looks good, i see lots a cool and interesting changes. i might come back, we will see.
Meth is all gone, Still have the moonshine, Cocaine, all that. When i test this blackfish thing that might work i will prob give someone a very nice surprise. Bigsmoke what up man, its been a min. if you need some cash ill sell ya 200 moonshine for a mill.
200 ish of each. ing. 4-500 moonshine Just too much trolling going on, for me to be invested and have fun anymore. I prob have other stuff too. Make an offer. If your new and struggling. I might help you out.
I can actually use my phone i guess to try it out so i might do that just to see. I fly in most every type of arma mode i play. Not anything special but i am usually better at it than most. I fly mixed 1st and 3rd, just depends on the situation i guess. I like doing tac landings like the j hook and it requires your to basically go noise down and still be aware of your sorroundings. Easy to do if you know what your doing but it would be nice to be able to look around my heli as i come into a landing state. O and the planes, im sure its a blast with them too Looked up a few videos im sure the quality is not as good but it looks like its something i can wire together myself. the 150$ tag is a bit much.
Anybody us the TrackIR? Whats your opinion of it? I fly alot so im considering getting one.
I feel like this is a thin, thin line for combat logging. Even soft logging at times like that is something you shouldn't even HAVE to consider. Lets say they 'left' you but someone was in the area and was ''going to'' come back and you alt f4... now your looking at a combat log ban ( yes, yes people are being this canserours right now) This applies only if you are a hostage though. Correct my if im wrong because this NEEDS clerifications. But if you just get robbed im finding a general ... its ok to leave them in bf nowhere with no food or water broken legs no kidney...
Wrong. Cellphones are using ddr4 now so the cell companies are buying A BUTT LOAD! Cryptomining relys heavily on GPU not CPU (Graphic card vs processor) And now ya know
nice i like the fto. i had said something about this along time ago. i reapplied so lets see what happens
Found what i think they were talking about but since i had responded with an orcha to the cartel i believe they were still wrong. so with no proper engagement, ie. warning shots text or even direct they were still in the wrong. even though i lost an orcha its no big deal and ill just let it go because its not that big a deal. Im a good medic who doesnt do it for the money or fame I do it because medics are needed. Scatters and 12yr olds are abundante nothing you can do but shrug them off and continue to play the good ol game. I was just curious. if i miss read it. Some of these players can get so triggered and rude. But who doesnt get caught up in the moment from time to time.
So i'm wondering if this is what someone was talking about. They said McDili updated rules on cartels that its ok to not engange medics for denials and its ok to just kill them. Here all it says warzone is to be treated like a cartel but nothing about how you can just kill medics with out properly engaging. I know warzone is kos for medics unless your in the air. Hm... someone must of miss read this ingame and then got all kinds of triggered. If the rule has been changed were medics can be killed in cartels with no proper engagement i can not find it where McDili updated the rules for that.
Been so busy with the insurance dealing with my neighbors house fire messing ours up and getting my house cleaned.
Got the inspection done today and pass. Deep cleaning is underway!! Haven't been able to get on as much because of life issues crohns and baby, but should be able to get on later today and tonight. And after all this gets wrapped up ill be back on like normal.-
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