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About T RAW

  • Birthday 03/03/1998

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  1. S1 DP-25 2 crater with max upgraded Y - 4mil on market / or best offer https://gyazo.com/fda5e9a46adc9317952be48e0b4d236e S2 - mushroom pro 2 crater 640m from pro - 5 mil on market / or best offer https://gyazo.com/f138a9affe02806f3bb87a3d37ac1350
  2. PRICES CAN BE NEGOTIATED 2 DP-5 3 crater 6 mil each https://gyazo.com/642ad3367698d58bfb15e243e820a821 DP-13 2 crater 4 mil DP-13 garage 3 mil https://gyazo.com/b6252f03d4276773e954bf8901c58447
  3. also willing to rent out the mushroom shed weekly so if your new and don't have a house you and your buddies can have a gangshed for a whole week great way to make money I made over 8 mil in a week easily
  4. Deal
  5. comes with 13 mags make an offer
  6. at least 10 mil its close to processor
  7. I also have mushroom shed if anyone interested it that
  8. shoot me an offer
  9. I don't play much any more and thought a fighting gang might want buy the shed
  10. A good while more then 4 months
  11. closest gang shed to kav reb - make me an offer also will include mar-10 with mags
  12. DP 3 GANG SHED - make an offer DP 5 - 2 Crater 3.5 mil Abdera - 2 Crater 3.5 mil
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