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Everything posted by Cyberbeer

  1. M never does anything like that...
  2. When I first started with a couple friends they told me there would be lessons learned. I learned each and everyone the hard way . Just be glad Gary wasnt involved...
  3. I play mostly server 2 on my medic. Late, late night recently I choose the 1 with the most people.
  4. No Medic!! You sir are a RPphobe!
  5. Hope you find what you are looking for Ares, was fun serving with you! I'll enjoy a broweiser with you anytime.
  6. Lol at the video, and who cares, hes still funny as shit. Did you know that wasnt Hyperions real voice?
  7. He uses them as door busters.
  8. Peace out Pringle.
  9. Praying for you Dili. Hang in there bro.
  10. Im happy for moob, and MC is far from the worst gang in shenanigans. I remember when I first joined as a civ and getting robbed by everyone but MC. Well... almost a MC guy was going to rob me as I was speaking to moob in his TS about joining lol.
  11. I gotta agree with Warfare here. I know its a game, and people try to play it likes its an alternate life by cursing up a storm and taking shit to people constantly. Skeeter at the end of the day you stuck up for your bro and thats a good thing. Sadly you arent going to change anyone over the internet. The anonymity the web provides means everyone can act like a douche with no consequences. Not to say that the servers could use a bit more civility sometimes, but like someone said its mostly the pass through players who act like jackasses. I've only run into a few true trolls who stay.
  12. Thanks warfare. Didnt want to break any rules, so I guess if this happens its live and let live.
  13. Guy was clearly online, checked multiple times. I checked multiple people within the same group and 4 of the 8 were unable to be texted. Gary was aslo untextable.
  14. The H.A.D.E.S. cannon has a wide are of effect, do not get caught in the blast wave. Maybe Martial law this weekend?
  15. Nice Skeeter, bet he loves it.
  16. Poor Muthinator
  17. My son had a bloody nose, so I put him in the bath tub and washed him up. Later that night, he told his mommy that I gave him a bloodbath...

    1. Fedot
    2. TheDogsGoMoo


      10/10 olympus's best father

  18. I had a guy tell me about you helping him out Moob, nicely done sir. Just a simple idea, dont know if there are issues with the coding side of things, but why not add a tag to players with less then 250 or so minutes on the server. NUB, FNG, Private, anything that would convey to players this guy is wet behind the ears. Maybe add bodyguard fees into the game. Vigilante for legals, a rebel for illegals.
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