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Everything posted by darryl305

  1. I think application only would be good, But dont make it so ridiculous, like that shitty lakeside place. Wanting 250+ words why you should be allowed in, interviews, etc etc. Like, I want to play a game, not have a damn job application. Just a fairly simple one, with a quick TS "interview" mainly to just see someones age. Should be 18+ ( Really 25+ would be even batter)
  2. I can verify, I bought the 750k house, and I have 100 space virtual inventory, and was able to place a small crate after soft log. YIPPIE~!
  3. Hey, I seem to have the opposite problem, I just bought a house this morning, (1st house yay!) And my virtual inventory was fine. However, I could not place any crates. I bought the small one from the vendor, and tried to put in my house, but it says " You have reached your crate limit. Buy more houses, or better houses to increase crate limit" I do not own any other crates, nor homes. I bought the 750k one story stone house. ANy word on this? Thanks.
  4. well now I have to miss work cuz of this!
  5. I would like to see a server, that could be dedicated to newbys. Still can have no safe zones, but a server that doesnt have gangs and players with 20 million+ in their bank, to steamroll new people who struggle to even make 10k.

    1. Jorbis


      It's the nature of the game... Play smart and avoid the heavy hitters until you have the funds to support your self. 

  6. May I ask, what can crates store, vs virtual inventory? I assume crates can store all the "I" Inventory Items? (Guns, ammo,vests, backpacks etc) ANd Virtual inventory will store all the "Y" inventory " Drugs, resources, lockpicks,etc)? May I also ask, how exactly does the storage work? You just need to buy a house, and then drop a crate? And how will the virtual inventory work? You buy a house, and then will automatically be given a menu for your storage in side the house? Also, I know the housing license is 100k But how much are houses on average? DO they go down in price, if you go further away from main towns? What is the cheapest/ most expensive house? OR are all the same price? If there is already a post explaining, please direct me. thanks.
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