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Everything posted by FoxyMamaFTW

  1. Best montage of all time hands down don't @ me
  2. rubberband the base of your dick and wait until it turns purple/blue, then you're good
  3. Holy auto-hover
  4. thanks lol, now try
  5. https://gyazo.com/072b4d6c0521e4ab43b1ac3c963cecf8
  6. yo snake what it do nephew

  7. how do you think bojo got where he is today?
  8. Its been a long time since I've been  here, would hopefully like to get back  into it. Any PTOP members still around? or even [DA] members?

  9. Does anyone know how to create/develop iphone apps?

  10. #RIPBOJO's POSTCOUNT first the cs knife now his posts what will he do?

    1. SPBojo


      I baught this fine looking rope, cya never

  11. Oh mama that looks good from the screenshots. Video is already taken down though :/ I hope that BI studios is finally aware of the popularity of Altis Life and started developing more civilian aspects of the game.
  12. Poseidon is basically making a better Arma 3 Life and I love it
  13. The return??

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Your return? Welcome back! Even if I don't know you! lol

  14. Are you or have you ever been affiliated with the communist party?
  15. Oh I almost forgot, can you comp me for my hummingbird you rekt durring the first week I played with you?
  16. Well Olympus, it's been real. Today I am officially leaving after 6 fantastic months of playing with you guys. I'm leaving for my own reasons but none of them are because of you guys. I don't really have anything negative to say about this community and I would like to thank everyone who has helped Make my experience fun. In particular I would like to thank Snake, Kratos, and all of [DA] for helping me get my start, Pinkstreak and Lincoln Williams for some great medic experiences, and all of POTP for being a great gang with great people to play with. I would also like to thank all of the admins and all of the devs who spent their own time and money to make this server possible. Thank You. P.s. I may hop on medic every once in a while just for fun! Cheers! FoxyMamaFTW
  17. Thanks for being constructive to the thread
  18. House+Garage combo north of Sophia near Meth Processing on server 3 PM me on forums or if I'm in the teamspeak
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