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Everything posted by Tazed

  1. Ecksdee
  2. Feelsbadman...
  3. Worst thing was, the server restarted 10 seconds after...
  4. Tazed


    My mom told me I was special, I didn't think I was 1% of the world special.
  5. Tazed


    I know man its not that big of a problem, just wanted to share my fuckup haha.
  6. I just got done taking my cop interview... It didn't go so well. The basic summary of it was i was answering some questions on the interview, 3 questions in I get asked my birthday, and I tell him June 7 2001. The problem was as I was taking the test I had just finished a league of legends game and this guy was flaming in the chat so I added my 10 cents. Why that was a problem is because my actual birthday is July 7 2001, so he asks me it once more when another admin joined and I said June 7 2001 (the dumb ass i am) I was reading the chat as I said it not paying enough attention. Then they ask me it a third time and this is when I told him July 7 2001 (my actual birthday). Then I get moved out and I see 7 or 8 senior APD all in a chat room together, this is when I knew I fucked up. The end of the story was that I am now blacklisted from the APD until I send in a picture proving my birth date even though I was a cop and medic before. I argued that I was a cop and medic before and there was no problems or concerning questions asked then. Just got removed for inactivity. Ok well i'm done ranting I hope you all learn from my experiences and dont fuck up your own birth date...... RIP Who messes up their own birthday.... DUMBASS
  7. It doesnt allow you to place the box. The 0 crate house only has 100 Y inventory space with no room to upgrade. Hope I helped!
  8. Mayweather is a master at his own game, it was a great fight but if McGregor was "at home" he would have won.
  9. How do you watch the fight? Everywhere I look I need to pay like $100
  10. Pretty cool idea!
  11. Howcome you guys are selling the shed?
  12. Tazed


  13. 3 Mil for the Dp 23 3 crate
  14. Tazed


    What is a cmr?
  15. An arma 3 forums is not the place to be wondering if other people have as smelly of an asshole as you do. You should bleach your butthole, it will fix a lot.
  16. If your looking for a moonshine house you should have switched to server 3, all the houses were up for grabs
  17. Dude keep it, why would you get rid of that thing???
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