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  1. if you guess they are both shit... Ding ding ding. give yourself a pat on the back. You earned it!
  2. Nah. 5.5 for a 3 crater in dp 24? You'd be crazy to pay that amount. The location and the house size. Not worth it. I got a premium 3 crate meth house for 2 mill. Dp 24 is the furthest from the ingredients and the brewery. Making it the worst of the three towns to be running out of in the first place.
  3. I will give you 3.5 mill for you to sell your 3 crater. You will also get like 50% of the money back when you sell the house aswell.
  4. Dp 25 dp 24 dp 23 or anyhouse that is within 3km of the moonshine pro. I'm willing to pay up to 5-7 mill for a 4 crater depending on location.
  5. I'll buy it for 2 m. Contact me in game. Or on team speak. (My Twin Brother)
  6. Buying houses in above listed dp's and towns. 4 craters only please!
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