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Everything posted by Alyssalou82

  1. Me talking inside Chat even Kills me sometimes.

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Get Tree'd, Scrub. 

  2. Coming back on olympus after being gone for time. Though everyone forgot about me, But nope People still remmeber some of the things I have said and done.

  3. Man, When You leave Olympus for awhile and NW steals everyone.

  4. So with all that happens now in Olympus It's the best , Because Of all that happens in side chat. Who doesn't love side Chat?
  5. So everyone is in Exile , Server are pretty fun now , Like the people now in the regular server are pretty top Get to meet them and all have fun, Love these Servers.

  6. Pretty Top Stuff happening I mean Those gangs Coming to the Top and all Climbing up and I'm just sitting here Like Yeah


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