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Everything posted by Alyssalou82

  1. lemme in ily < 3
  2. Hi, lemme in the server. My name is Alyssa, I used to play years ago, everyone loved me. I miss MC, NW, and Tree(would say PCP, but ya know) :(( lemme in the server, I swear I'm good at the game. I still have the NW Handbook, pls. And the Tree one.
  3. I think you forgot to water your tree. It might be dead.

  4. Hey! It's me, Your best friend. How are you? Still sacrificing people?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Alyssalou82


      Well, she's an object, because all women are objects, so don't listen to her

    3. Orgondo


      This is true, she is my property 

    4. Alyssalou82


      You gotta beat your property, all women are objects, they shouldn't have a voice

  5. Still As Olympus As Ever

  6. Is there really A medic named Alyssa? Like a medic with my name?
  7. Hey Guy , You were Awesome, I think, I'm pretty sure , I'll just go for it <3

    1. Dejay


      not like this

    2. EatMeth
    3. platinumfire


      Oh so thats what you look like under that mask @EatMeth haha

  8. Can I just GIve Moob all my money in game? Or give someone all my money I have left?

    1. Show previous comments  50 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      I was definitely the best choice. Ayyyyy.

    3. Alyssalou82


      Yeah it's going to Moob now

  9. Forget You guys I'm amazing

  10. I am Jaeger's Best Friend guys, If he says I am not ,it's because he is embarrassed because of how awesome I am

  11. I'm your bestfriend, If you forgot <3

  12. Forget You guys I am amazing

  13. Jaeger I still Haven't Forgotten about you ,<3

    1. JoeL


      I think he forgot about you the first 20 status updates...

    2. Alyssalou82


      Shhhh, he hasn't forgetting about me he just doesn't want to admit that I'm hid best friend because he doesn't want everyone else to be jealous and out to get him.

  14. Jaeger, I still love you in a hateful sort of way. <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alyssalou82


      Just Stay Fancy 

    3. Orgondo


      What have I told you time and time again you peasant. Leave my Dad alone, you filthy abominating non-worshiper. 

    4. Alyssalou82


      How about you just lay off, He answered me.  You could just go to bed and not care. 

  15. I am Still the Best one Here

  16. <3


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alyssalou82


      WHEN DID MOTHER TREE GET IN THIS? WHO IS MOTHER TREE? WHY DO I CARE ABOUT HER? Shut up you know you like me in a hate way.

    3. Orgondo


      Mother Tree is everything, she is everywhere. She is one with her followers. All Hail The Great Tree.

    4. Alyssalou82


      Forget your Tree it gets in the way of driving deserves to be knocked down. Burn her


  17. <3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alyssalou82


      I hit then enough so partly... On the inside I am.  Are you even a tree?

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      I am The Great Tree...

    4. Alyssalou82


      The Freat Tree, Are you sure about that? I think I may be a little better

  18. <3?

    1. Orgondo


      Please refrain from speaking to my Father, thank you.

    2. Alyssalou82


      Don't tell me what to do

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Looking to come back? Or are you staying stranded elsewhere? :( 

  19. No one Remembers Me, No one Should.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Not Important
    3. Alyssalou82


      We shouldn't Speak of that, Jaeger You know you loved me for like Five seconds before I spoke.

    4. Fastik


      I mean even I know U soooooo

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