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Everything posted by Poro

  1. Sale going on at the moment. 50% off.. Lot's of new players
  2. The Icecream truck brought so much joy.. Why take it away :(
  3. Can not deal with eye shit.. Worst thing ever.. If I knew a needle was going to be in my eye or something like that it would be a horrible experience for me.
  4. Sounds badass to me
  5. Just because im not from the 80's and 90's doesn't mean I can't love the movies too
  6. Just got a new copy.. Hasn't had any problems yet
  7. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/36364062093759470/3F5DEEB0F29F95B32A5EB0C9FA31C7B647CD4EA4/ Getting sacrificed is always fun
  8. It's pretty much their fault for not checking the forums.. I'm pretty sure were supposed to check the PD section for updates on rules and other APD stuff, hearing something like that when I became cop a long time ago.. It's kinda hard to tell everyone though to constantly check the forums because no one really expected this sort of thing to happen. (Atleast I didn't)
  9. Not as much gunfights or trying to chase someone down
  10. Ok so I have been playing Olympus for almost a year now. For the past summer I have been getting freezing issues where Arma just goes to 0 fps and freezes, can't do anything I just have to wait until it unfreezes.. Any other server I have played on doesn't do this. I'm not sure if there is there is any reason behind this, or if Olympus Servers just hate my PC. If someone could help with this issue that would be great. I've played on servers as popular as this and I still don't have the issue. It happens so much that it is so hard for me to be able to do anything without freezing every 2 minutes for around 15 seconds.
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