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Everything posted by OpSquid

  1. That’s awesome the donor goal was met, put me in coach for the giveaway!!
  2. Whats good peeps I SEE

  3. Brush you're teeth boi got stank Breath. I'm a OG boi PUT SUM RESPECT ON MY NAME!! GANG AND RUDELY GO FUCK YOURSELF.
  4. I'm coming for ya'lls Head!! I'm broke and I don't like being played like a joke. Give ME MY RESPECT GO HEX GANG BOY 6 Point My DAWG GANG GANG
  5. Just to let everyone know I still love you guys!

  6. Being a medic changed my life and made me see the world in a new way #Brownsquad

    1. Muthinator


      You have been saved my son, go on and tell others your tale.

    2. ComradeGoonie


      We have a brown squad?

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