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The Pilot

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Everything posted by The Pilot

  1. Arma has a way to screw things up... WTF did they do to the Hatch sport?! Try to make turn and it starts twerking like @Hadi Mokdads mother. Any way to negate this or are the physics just that screwed?
  2. @Jaeger Mannen is fucking some cactus out in the middle of Arizona. MIA. Poor guy.
  3. The man himself... @Orgondo
  4. Nobody say a word!!! We are strongest in a pack! Cant catch us all coppers!!
  5. ITS A FUCKING TRAP!! Whats your name Mr. Policeman eh?! What you doing on Silton's account? Wanna join APD?
  6. Ya boy just got nailed for all those DDOS attacks!!!
  7. The Pilot


    Step 1: Click 3 bars at top right of forum page. Step 2: Find support tab and click Step 3: Begin a new support ticket as an APD application. Step 4: Wait to be accepted for an interview. Cheers
  8. Why did you put this poor offroad in the tree?
  9. D.E.P.U.T.I.E.S . ..............
  10. @Hadi Mokdad do you eat ham?
  11. Do you like Turkey or Ham?
  12. So @Peter Long you're the new big dick swinging chief in town eh? #BRINGBACKPINKSTREAK4ADMIN
  13. https://youtu.be/fysWXDeEi5o https://youtu.be/rQiCk6j6cu8 Dont forget about @Orgondo.... https://youtu.be/1j-BxvMke2k RIP @Hadi Mokdad brother in training. https://youtu.be/dtXyAHqOAn8
  14. @Isaac Newton or @Tman15tmb have the video of said instance in which I was blacklisted for life. Wheres the video of medic on 50cal?! @Grandma Gary
  15. Is it still frowned upon to roll up to rebel as a medic with gang tags on and revive your entire gang during a gang fight while every senior medic watches and drop your medic gear to gang members prior to being banned and blacklisted? ...asking for a friend.
  16. Yep hopefully be back in game within next few weeks. New wife, new house, new internet(this is the best new thing of em all) it actually is better than the 700kB dL speed I had before. Maybe, just maybe I won't be AS bad as I was before.
  17. Thanks for the warming welcome!!!
  18. Hey everyone, the original T Frost here. Been a while since I've been on here. Haven't turned on my PC in who knows how long. Many new changes in life, but I think I can finally come back to the gaming community. Any players still here from a few years back?? @Corporal Moob??? You still here you shitter? @Luke Duke @Dustin87
  19. Did she...or I mean it, leave a bad taste in your mouth? @DocJoe Cornpusher
  20. There were two of us left and we hid in the Huron lol. We jumped out and took it when @Fr0sty got shot out.
  21. DC never backstabbed anyone. Tree is the only ones who started shooting everyone else. All I did was run down the hill and jump in the Huron and boom. We were not teamed with tree.
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