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APD Officer
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Status Updates posted by Sean0615

  1. RIP. So I was sitting in Chorus today, and I'm a Section Leader. My director was going over our performance and how we are to act during and before. He told us for our protection and his to NOT ask stupid questions the day before, or of the performance. He said to ask the section leaders. I heard someone in the background ask "Is this the Krusty Krab?" So in response I blurted out in the middle of class "Is mayonnaise an instrument?" The kid behind me literally cried.

    1. babooshka



    2. Sean0615


      You understand. <3

  2. Just thought I'd let everyone know, for those who refer to some people as "Johnson hoppers". Just because we join a channel with silver bars does NOT mean we're Johnson hopping. Personally, I enjoy playing with Clem. cLoak, and Peter Long. Not because they're higher up, but because their RP is a lot better than most of yours. Sorry about it.

  3. RIP Server. Shut down 3 times, there goes anyone doing runs, driving a heli, or far off from a town. 

  4. When you mistake the admin spawning in vehicles for a hacker. RIP

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I thought it was a hacker too, lol.  Then @Lucki told me it was one of the Admins. 

    2. Sean0615
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