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About UndeaD

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I just wanna be a winner I just wanna be like 3rip
  2. ill give you 6 mil for the 3 crater
  3. is your 3 crater still for sale?
  4. I find it quite ridiculous that I can wipe a gang and then they come back 3 mins later. There isn't even enough time to cap the cartel.
  5. how are you supposed to step away if you are in a wheelchair?
  6. i was like why the hell is this guy pushing a house with 3 guys
  7. i killed the carry
  8. Why does the Shorts and Jacket Outfit shoe's look like some fucking foamposites https://gyazo.com/25bb62f0637cd12843553979d0c738a7 https://gyazo.com/f39ec796c6ebc1df296b43c36288c001
  9. I love people from EU on US servers. Jk <3 Wftmguy
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