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Jeff Chaplin

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Everything posted by Jeff Chaplin

  1. Ok so I am trying to help a friend with his PC and I'm totally stuck So here's the issue he started to reset windows 10 in order to get a clean slate Whilst reinstalling Windows it was stuck at 2% and he restarted his computer Now he is getting a black screen on start up We tried to launch it in safe mode but for some reason safe mode will not launch Thinking it was an issue with his graphics card drivers we pulled out the graphics card and used Intel's integrated graphics and got the same black screen He has an Acer motherboard with an Intel I5 2320 @3.00ghz Any help is welcome
  2. I agree it deserves a high price but maybe not at 7mil + 2 mil insurance price Maybe like 4 mil or 5 mil to buy it and 1 mil for the insurance
  3. I just want to see what everyone thinks of maybe lowering the cost of the black fish ? Maybe just lower the insurance cost ? Maybe buff the glass ?
  4. That's hilarious cause there were exactly 2 captors there and one told me he was very high
  5. This was a great request for 1 hostage thought you guys would find it was as funny as i found it
  6. https://gyazo.com/6b08799ee7ed288c6652e40f8673eedc Is anyone else getting this bug on cop where you suddenly can't move and just do this stupid motion but you are stuck it has happened to me 3x today and is super irritating
  8. So can I use the regular blackfish for this or do I have to use the black fish (vehical)?
  9. It's not the black fish you would upgrade it would be the cars you want to lift as turn/maneuverability makes the vehicals lighter My girlfriend and I have the same problem
  10. Maybe @McDili can provide some insight ;D I hear he has one
  11. Can they lift tempist devices??? I know you cant sling them but could you load them into the black fish?
  12. So u could load a zarmak and then sling anthor one? In other words 2 zarmaks ???? Cause If so .... I'm getting it
  13. So thinking of buying a blackfish but I need to know some things first! In order to lift with the blackfish vehicle do I still need tow hooks and slings? How does the loading work is it like a heli? What is the largest vehical it can lift? Can both types of blackfish lift vehicals ? Any other info to sway my decision would help!
  14. The new jail is really dumb no offence it's a good concept but why make the jail harder for the cops it was already pretty hard I think if anything make the jail harder for civs, give the cops more cover like move the boat wreck so it's useful add some other props maybe
  15. Well that one can be argued
  16. No one should have replied so he thought he was "shadow banned"
  17. Vehicles and weapons now have limited supply and can be crafted at factories located around the island. Prices for vehicles and weapons will adjust based on supply and demand; for example, if a certain vehicle is plentiful on the market, crafting and selling them won't earn as much money as if it had more limited supply. This also affects purchase prices in the same way. I've seen something similar and it is so aweful
  18. We could also make it interesting do something like a meth / moonshine run and arm the civilians to the teeth and have the cops try to jack the run while the civs proccess and defend their stash have some 50. Cal's spawned in maybe an ifrit If the cop win they get the money if the civs get it to the drug dealer safely they win
  19. NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 4gb This card is good but you could get better for much cheaper or I would highly recommend dishing out the extra cash for a 1070 I have a 970 and while I like the card I think it's a bit overpriced
  20. We should have a server wide mass run event ;D that would be really cool to get everyone to come together and make some cash
  21. Also against the rules to do ^
  22. This was not the largest I've seen by a long shot but at the time it was my first large run with a group of people So like my first or second month on the server we had like 7 tempist devices and 1 hermit box running meth and we just finished processing when the cops found us and ended up seizing 5 of the tempist devices and the hemmit box Luckily I got away with mine just after they had searched it >:-D
  23. wowowowowoow I tried earlier and it would not let me but now it does ;-;
  24. Becuase i have submitted 4 bug reports they take up to a month to get checked im not here to be salty or sour im here cause this bug is very frustrating and needs to be brought to the devs attention
  25. I did submit a bug report but they hardly get checked and i understand that the devs are most likely swamped and i feel this bug is game breaking and needs to be brought to someones attention
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