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get rid of new hospitals

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You're all free to share your opinions, we aren't going to come down on that.


But if you're trying to make something change, it's simply not happening this way.


As I said every time this pops up, record your difference of FPS and any other anomalies that pop up as you enter the vicinity of a hospital to show evidence of significant performance decrease. If this doesn't happen, we have absolutely no data to justify any changes. Simple as that.

You all can take time out of your days to bitch about about a problem on the forms.  Yet, when you're asked to present evidence to support your claim, nothing.  So unless people are going to produce some evidence I say cry some more.

If you can take a bunch of clips and make a montage, then taking a few clips to prove your issue shouldn't be a problem.

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21 minutes ago, McDili said:

You're all free to share your opinions, we aren't going to come down on that.


But if you're trying to make something change, it's simply not happening this way.


As I said every time this pops up, record your difference of FPS and any other anomalies that pop up as you enter the vicinity of a hospital to show evidence of significant performance decrease. If this doesn't happen, we have absolutely no data to justify any changes. Simple as that.

Mcdili: "You see guys..... science."

Everyone else: " FUCK!"

Guest G.O.A.T.
20 minutes ago, McDili said:

You're all free to share your opinions, we aren't going to come down on that.


But if you're trying to make something change, it's simply not happening this way.


As I said every time this pops up, record your difference of FPS and any other anomalies that pop up as you enter the vicinity of a hospital to show evidence of significant performance decrease. If this doesn't happen, we have absolutely no data to justify any changes. Simple as that.

I think everyone and their mother complaining of FPS drops when rendering in a certain structure set (aka new hospitals) is enough data in itself to merit a change.

5 minutes ago, Muthinator said:

You all can take time out of your days to bitch about about a problem on the forms.  Yet, when you're asked to present evidence to support your claim, nothing.  So unless people are going to produce some evidence I say cry some more.

If you can take a bunch of clips and make a montage, then taking a few clips to prove your issue shouldn't be a problem.


I feel like the odd one out on this topic. The only time I am at the hospital is when I am playing medic so my opinion might be completely void,but I love them to be completely honest. The older hospitals were very bland and not very appealing. Though those are my personnel thoughts,I can sympathize with those who say they have frame drops because the amount of items in that area can be very taxing on a persons PC, and when your frames decide to crash at an unfortunate time I can see how it would be aggravating. 

My two cents

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1 minute ago, Otter said:

I feel like the odd one out on this topic. The only time I am at the hospital is when I am playing medic so my opinion might be completely void,but I love them to be completely honest. The older hospitals were very bland and not very appealing. Though those are my personnel thoughts,I can sympathize with those who say they have frame drops because the amount of items in that area can be very taxing on a persons PC, and when your frames decide to crash at an unfortunate time I can see how it would be aggravating. 

My two cents

exactly, way better response than this d19479e6256fcdbbd9bcc2b660491d16.png

I know the "Texture bug" is an Arma wide problem. However, it seems to happen much more often when rendering the textures of the hospital in. 

I currently don't have a video of it, but I know people can agree that the hospital does seem to have some sort of problem texture bugging people. 

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I will get on tonight and test it myself. The hospitals do look amazing. After all this is an ALTIS LIFE RPG server. The way it was before looked very bland and boring. Granted I don't fight as much as everyone else here so only counting my tastes wouldn't be fair. I do have a 4790K with a 980GTX 16GB of ram so for me this surely won't have much impact but for others with lower end rigs they might. 

Also, the texture bug is Arma related. They will happen even in Athira if I load a Strider or sometimes with a Tanoa vehicle. People are relating the hospitals with the texture bug. I assure you the texture bug would happen even if the hospitals were as before. When Bohemia comes out with the appropriate fix I know that there won't be much complaining as I'm sure most of the FPS issues are also tied to that. 

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28 minutes ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

Also, the texture bug is Arma related. They will happen even in Athira if I load a Strider or sometimes with a Tanoa vehicle. People are relating the hospitals with the texture bug. I assure you the texture bug would happen even if the hospitals were as before.

The texture bug would not happen as often do the fact that there is not so much to render. 

Yes, the texture bug happens outside of hospitals, we are aware of this. However, there is clearly a problem that when I get into the vicinity of a hospital my game Texture bugs. 

Again, I am not saying its just the hospitals causing this bug. However, there has to be something to do with the amount of entities that render in when you go near them. 

It is simply a fact that whenever you get within a certain radius of them, your game happens to texture bug. Not always, but a noticeable amount of time. 

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  • Admin
9 minutes ago, Trumper said:

The texture bug would not happen as often do the fact that there is not so much to render. 

Yes, the texture bug happens outside of hospitals, we are aware of this. However, there is clearly a problem that when I get into the vicinity of a hospital my game Texture bugs. 

Again, I am not saying its just the hospitals causing this bug. However, there has to be something to do with the amount of entities that render in when you go near them. 

It is simply a fact that whenever you get within a certain radius of them, your game happens to texture bug. Not always, but a noticeable amount of time. 

Yeah definitely makes sense. I just don't get these kind of issues. Obviously depends on the rig. Although I am almost sure the texture loading issues I saw on a video had to have started after the APEX update. I did drop frames when I reached the hospital. I would say about 6 to 8 frames. I did fly to Athira to see how much of an impact it had on my frames and I dropped about 15 frames but no one complains about the cities because obviously they are out of our controls. 

The point I'm bringing is that I get a lot more frame drops in the cities that on the hospitals and people fight in the cities a lot as well. We are open to more video evidence to see the variety of performance decrease on the different setups though. 

I agree with Muthinator. I think this is just a forced meme/conspiracy to remove the epic glory the medics have now achieved with the illustrious design of the new hospitals. I think the APD and Civ community are just upset they didn't get such and wondrous temple built in their honor. I think we all know who is behind this one boys. Allah Ackbar!

My game started crashing and texture bugging every 45-55 minutes of playtime literally the day the update came out with the new APD textures... But I haven't played on any other servers so I can't say if its just Olympus or Arma

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2 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

i love the new hospitals please put more in dad

Maybe you should actually try RPing for once who cares if u cant shoot near the hospital. Arma 3 is a milsim its not about shooting people or combat its about RP!!!! When will you dumb rebel lifers realize this?????? XD Who cares anyway all i know is im really enjoying the massive frame drops becaues the RP is 100 times worth it!

Edited by billy4
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3 hours ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

Obviously depends on the rig

Its for sure not my computer, I don't have a god tier rig, but I have an upper mid-tier build.

I do want to point out tho, you guys can test this yourselves, the Hospitals with less entities (ex: Pyrgos hospital) tend to not only perform better, but also cause less memory leak issues (texture bug) then the ones with lots of entities (The one on the airfield). 

This may just be personal experience, but I have never gotten a texture bug at Pyrgos hospital, however a noticeable amount of times I have gone to the hospital at the airfield, I have texture bugged. 

Slightly Off topic but @Muthinator, when you create things for a community (Payed or not) you need to be prepared to listen to what they say. Whether you agree with what they are saying or not is irrelevant. When you put your work out there you need to be able to take the criticism that comes with it. I do agree that some people go over the top and bitch. However every complaint is not bitching and whining about what you're doing. It seems like every time someone critiques anything you do it comes to a "Take it or leave" kind of attitude. You're designing this stuff for the community, not yourself. I want to add, I think we all appreciate what you do immensely, but it comes back to the attitude that leaves everyone a little sour. 


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