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Pilot Gear Needed

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I am looking to buy pilot helmets and coveralls considering I've only got one set, additionally I am offering services as a commercial pilot/CFI of Altis. I will be showing flight students flight routes and mapping for both fixed wing and rotary wing. I will also go over things like autorotation and gliding, and emergency landing of the cessna. I have at least 200 hours behind the little bird, another 200 in the ghost hawk under heavy fire, and nearly 50 to 100 in the orca. I'm working on getting more time behind the Cessna model, but all in all fuck the black fish. I think it'd be really cool for all interested in doing a ground to air school type of thing for those that actually would like to rp and learn about the flight systems and their advantages in arma. I may even go as far as to keeping track of pilot's flight time and routes and making a certificate of some sort in photoshop so that you can get your pilot's licenses. (not the full 40 hours FAA reqs, but shortened and still including some of the same aspects: flying at night, flying with nvgs, local flights, cross country flights, autoration/gliding, and a test on the aircraft's control systems) To wrap it all up, I do fly irl and do know a thing or two about what i'm currently proposing as an idea. Let me know both if you have pilot gear willing to sell, or if you think the idea might be worthwhile to at least a few people, like I said before, its for those who either want to rp with flight training and learn the things I talked about earlier.

If I do this I will change IGN to "Flight Instructor" and take students by application at a fixed and undetermined rate.

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1 hour ago, Matt The Savage said:

can you teach me how to land an orca?

also i can supply you with pilot helmets 13k a piece

ill take four of those pilot helmets at that price, I can teach in an orca, is it normal landings? combat landings? emergency landings? or air traffic landings you want to learn?

3 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

where do i sign up

go ahead and pm me, as long as you can either provide a ghost hawk or get ahold of one I will help instruct, I have experience with king of the hill infantry and doing a lot of emergency landings in hazardous areas

11 hours ago, Matt The Savage said:

Normal/combat right now i land in auto hover xD

pm me to schedule an appointment, rates will be discussed there as well, but what I can tell you is that rates are half price if you provide the aircraft

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