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A few things about Olympus

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8 hours ago, Berg02 said:

First, let me preface this by saying that i have played on this server for over two years and love the server. This isn't a "haha olympus is horrible fuck the admins" rant. just some things that I think could be fixed/made better.


1. Corporals looking for lethals. Now, when there is a fed going on with 15 armed rebels, I completely understand going to lethals right after the 3rd wave. But when corporals get killed 3 or 4 by their bad judgement and then get pissed of and flip that switch to lethals, even though there is no real justification. For example: The other day I was in Pygros as a fresh spawn. I had only a protector and was alone with no gang members on. I engaged a corporal and killed him. He then came back 3 times and got killed 3 times by me. He then proceeded to come back and lethal me. He could have just as easily tazed me. This has also happened many other times, such as at a jail with only 2 or 3 people left alive, and corporals are still going for lethals. There needs to be better judgement when to lethal and when to not.


2. Textures bug. This only happens to me on olympus. No texture bugs on asylum, KOTH, or anything else. Everyone knows the things that cause it, such as APD vehicles and helicopters, as well as the hospitals. The very small amount of rp that is gained from these things is not worth the bugs that make the game unplayable. Simple black and white with a little text for the APD, and almost vanilla hospitals. Sorry you wont be able to lift weights in your free time medics.


3. Feds and especially Blackwaters have gotten significantly harder to do. With the new things like BW HQ and rules like guns hot on ghosthawks after bomb blows, the last 6 feds i have been on cop for, only 1 was successful and there was about 15 people. I have not seen a BW been done in a very long time. There should be some rebalancing so its possible to do Feds and BW without 15 people. "yea but my gang of 8 held off 6 deputies and 4 P.Os" hurray for you, but if you have 10 people thats 2 to a gate plus one jump and one on bomb. with just 2 corporals and and a few P.Os and deputies, the deputies just need 1 lethal each, and then its extremely easy for cops to push in through a gate with only 1 person or go jump and sneak defuse. 


4. Cartel Fights are boring and repetitive. A year or two ago everyone was friendlier and people would get revved and leave after a fight much of the time. Now 90% of the time you go to cartels you either get roached from a km away or you have to beg other gangs to come fight. New cartel locations would be nice.


5. CSAT clothes plus GA is 4 shots from a 7.62. This makes other guns not viable choices. In my opinion CSAT clothes should be removed, and 7.62 should be much more expensive, at least 250k. When the server was right after the wipe, many people used 5.56 and 6.5, with a few using 7.62. Now every Kavala scat and their grandmother runs around with 7.62, because everyone already has their houses and vehicles and just have millions of dollars lying around for guns. combat was a lot more fun with varied guns, now the only practical thing is a 7.62.


These are just some ideas, I'd like to hear your thoughts

you are asking for more balance of the server yet u want to make 7.62 rifles more expensive and remove CSAT!?!? honestly the people who want all the armor removed such as the GA or the CSAT clothing just be the first one to fire it's not that hard... 

8 hours ago, Phizx said:

Well we aren't going to let you take a free fed, so that's probably why we stopped yours. We don't do our own feds very often because of texture bugs..

When you are in VX grinding for OS 

If I was going for OS it might help if I put in an application..... Just trying to be a good member of the community.

8 hours ago, Mini said:

you are asking for more balance of the server yet u want to make 7.62 rifles more expensive and remove CSAT!?!? honestly the people who want all the armor removed such as the GA or the CSAT clothing just be the first one to fire it's not that hard... 

"be the first to shoot xd" when you have to shoot someone with 1/4 of a full mag to kill someone firing first is irrelevant. and how is removing csat and making 7.62 more expensive not balanced??

14 hours ago, Berg02 said:

"be the first to shoot xd" when you have to shoot someone with 1/4 of a full mag to kill someone firing first is irrelevant. and how is removing csat and making 7.62 more expensive not balanced??

you do relize 1/4 of a full mag is 5 shots right? It would unbalance the game bs your load outs would be 500 fucking K for 20 rounds of 7.62 after you buy your Y and all your ammo and clothing sounds a bit unbalanced for the economy 

8 hours ago, Mini said:

you do relize 1/4 of a full mag is 5 shots right? It would unbalance the game bs your load outs would be 500 fucking K for 20 rounds of 7.62 after you buy your Y and all your ammo and clothing sounds a bit unbalanced for the economy 

5 shots of 7.62 for a kill is fucking ridiculous. also it would be like 350K. and the point is so people buy things other than 7.62 lmao. 

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