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Do you know the clans?

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Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y/N

Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Y/N

Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Y/N

Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Y/N


Are you in ISIS: Y/N

Are you in Nerdz: Y/N

Are you in Burban: Y/N

Are you in KI: Y/N


Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI:




Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI:




Just a community experiment



ISIS - yes a few times and they are the clan that is on the most when im on and a few of them do not like me lets just say that

Nerdz - every so ofter i have seen a few on

Burban - of course they roll in packs of 10 and pink streams and they are fun to watch

KI - This clan is prob the biggest troll in my opinion because they like to mess with apd but good clan


Ive noticed ISIS is into running alot of drugs in groups when im on but seem to stay away from contraversy.KI and Burban i see them doing more of the hunting people down aspect more but that is later in the day so they are more dangerous when trying to make money.Id prefer to get in a clan if i ever think about it but id be in one that is on all the time because i play either mornings or nights off and on.


Which one i hate the most would be ISIS because i hate the name and quite a few hate me as well.

Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y/es

Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Yes

Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Yes

Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Yes


Are you in ISIS: No, these guys run with a few KI guys so they have some backing , they also will comabt log transport trucks(tempest and hemtt) while in combat 

Are you in Nerdz: no, they run huge amounts of drugs on server 2, 3 hemmts at a time setup, also they lack alot of combat skills

Are you in Burban: Yes, we dont roll in packs of 10 we just have scouts and a main force

Are you in KI: no, good guys... lots of .50's and ifrits be prepaird for void or ulrich to sneak up on u in a fire fight


Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI:BurBan, 


Why?:was with burban before we went to arma3 and before pinkstreak 


Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI:ISIS


Why?:They combat log any vehicle they can when being chased and because of the group name

Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y/es

Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Yes

Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Yes

Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Yes

Are you in ISIS: No

Are you in Nerdz: No

Are you in Burban: No

Are you in KI: Yes

Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI:KI


Why?:We make money


Which do you like the most?: ISIS, ISIS, ISIS or ISIS: ISIS


Why?: I like the name and allahu akbar!

Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: The publicly executed me after they said that we would do a weed run.....

Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Never heard of em

Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: They have executed me as cop.......

Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Ya i fucking wrecked 4 of them with a P07 as a cadet, all at once too.....


Are you in ISIS: No

Are you in Nerdz: No

Are you in Burban: No

Are you in KI: No


Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: BurBan


Why?:There the friendliest of them all


Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: ISIS they're just bastards


Why?: Well lets see they scream alahahah and then execute people in the square....... great guys

Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y/N I believe only once? I found an [iS] guy at the Frog Factory, and he slipped away from sight entirely. I was impressed.

Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Y/N Yes. We had a pretty large fight with them, which wound up in them losing 2 HEMTT Boxes each packed with 1,000 of a Moonshine ingredient. They were cool as hell all through the fight though, and absolutely no shit was talked. I've got respect for these guys.

Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Y/N Yes. No good memories.

Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Y/N Yes. I am a huge fan of Nacho's war reenactment DVDs.


Are you in ISIS: Y/N N

Are you in Nerdz: Y/N N

Are you in Burban: Y/N N

Are you in KI: Y/N N


Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: Nerdz


Why?: We've only fought once - what they lost in the fight, essentially 1,000 moonshine - would have been enough to make any gang I've ran into so far begin to talk mountains of shit. They were cool through it all though, I think our engagement ended in saluting.



Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: Burban


Why?: Just because my small sample size of experiences with Burban will all pretty negative. One of their members who is permanently banned now (for exploiting ofc) was talking a lot of shit, then went on to lose multiple Orcas/fire fights/etc.. and only had 'I don't give a shit I'm rich' to say as a defense. Seeing as he's banned for exploiting now.. It just doesn't leave the best impression. Also because I've never really met ISIS or KI - these are server 2/3 gangs, I play on server 1.


Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y/N Y
Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Y/N y
Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Y/N y
Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Y/N y

Are you in ISIS: Y/N n
Are you in Nerdz: Y/N n
Are you in Burban: Y/N n
Are you in KI: Y/N Y

Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI:

Why?: Nerdz. They are fun to fight, play by the rules, and show decorum both when they lose and win battles. Much respect.

Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI:

Why?: BurBan. They play with a lot of different people in different gangs. Engagements usually results in threats of bans and/or massive amounts of shit talking. Not usually an enjoyable experience.

Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y/N: Yes

Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Y/N: Yes

Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Y/N: Yes

Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Y/N: Yes


Are you in ISIS: Y/N: No

Are you in Nerdz: Y/N: Yes

Are you in Burban: Y/N: No

Are you in KI: Y/N: No


Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: KI. 


Why?: I'm in Nerdz so I won't vote for my own gang... But KI are respectable. They don't break the rules and it's nice clean fights all around. I really like these guys


Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: I don't HATE anyone, but I don't particularly like ISIS.


Why?: ISIS are fun to fight, but ever since they and KI started ganging up on us in Server 2, they've just been talking a lot of shit. In Nerdz we try to remain respectable, sometimes people get out of hand but we really enjoy fights with other gangs that are also respectable. It's disappointing to us that ISIS lowers their standards.



All that said, let's mention some server 1 gangs. Prae, POTP, and =A=


I don't really know about Prae, only ever met Dallas. He seemed alright.


POTP, like ISIS, seem like shit talkers. We fought them in server 2. They unfortunately lost the fight, Nerdz said GG's and POTP started talking shit. Another disappointing encounter. I don't understand why people shit talk, it's a short-lived ego stroke that only lasts until you get defeated by the very gang you shit talked, and then you just drown in rage. Be respectable when you win/lose, it's far more becoming of worthy gangs.


Now, the cream of the crop of all gangs as far as I'm concerned is =A=


As Ismael said earlier in this thread, we got in a massive fight with them at Moonshine. I unfortunately had to take a seat out of the fight for the most part to save one of the hemmts. But my mates on TS were making it seem like an insane fight. We lost 2 hemmts and essentially 1000 moonshine. Our gang was actually split up, we had another group doing Heroin to boost the moonshine market for us while we processed. We learned that day that we shouldn't split up like that, because =A= showed up in force. We put up a good fight, but ultimately we just didn't have the manpower or positioning to take us to victory. We fought again at the chop shop and it turned out to be a stalemate. Lots of casualties on both sides in both fights.


If I wasn't in Nerdz, I'd wanna be in =A=

Meh i'll do one.


Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y

Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Y

Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Y

Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Y


Are you in ISIS: Y

Are you in Nerdz: N

Are you in Burban: N

Are you in KI: N


Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: KI


Why?: I'm in isis so i wasn't going to say isis, so ki is my second, been on teamspeak with them, we've been allied with them for some time now, did a massive drug run with them, 12 hemmit boxes, it was fun, great laugh i'd recommend joining them


Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: Nerdz


Why?: Some of the members are pathetic, I Was driving 200 down a small road, with the sun glaring in my eyes so i was pritty blind anyway, So a nerdz is also going 200, I See him at the last second try get out the way he had the same idea, we both went into each other and blew up, he started crying other side asking for a comp, i decided to comp him but he still crys about it,

Not sure how this is "Do you know the clans" as you picked out 4 of them and completely ignored all of them on server 1.  


Well it was more of a self experiment, to see what clan the community like the most, And i don't really play server 1 anyway, and them 4 clans switch between 2 and 3 so more people would probably know them?

Why?: Some of the members are pathetic, I Was driving 200 down a small road, with the sun glaring in my eyes so i was pritty blind anyway, So a nerdz is also going 200, I See him at the last second try get out the way he had the same idea, we both went into each other and blew up, he started crying other side asking for a comp, i decided to comp him but he still crys about it,


Sheeeeit I wouldn't have comped him at all, if it was an accident like that it's not like a video submission would actually get you banned.


I'll be the first to admit that we got a couple members that act out sometimes. But rest assured if you're getting shit talked in side chat by one of us, the rest of us are in TS telling that person to STFU.


We heard KI had a rule about members not being allowed to talk in side chat, and we made fun of it. But after a few fights with you ISIS folk, we started to realize that maybe KI made the right call with that side chat rule they have.


Idk about the other gangs, but to me it's embarrassing to me when someone in my gang talks shit to someone else. I wouldn't wanna be seen as a representation of that kind of attitude.

Sheeeeit I wouldn't have comped him at all, if it was an accident like that it's not like a video submission would actually get you banned.


I'll be the first to admit that we got a couple members that act out sometimes. But rest assured if you're getting shit talked in side chat by one of us, the rest of us are in TS telling that person to STFU.


We heard KI had a rule about members not being allowed to talk in side chat, and we made fun of it. But after a few fights with you ISIS folk, we started to realize that maybe KI made the right call with that side chat rule they have.


Idk about the other gangs, but to me it's embarrassing to me when someone in my gang talks shit to someone else. I wouldn't wanna be seen as a representation of that kind of attitude.


Well after i comped him and he continued to cry, i did end up go hunting for him, in the end we found them doing a lil drug run, and a 50cal + 2 ifrits don't go well with a drug run.

Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y

Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Y

Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Y

Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Y


Are you in ISIS: N

Are you in Nerdz: N

Are you in Burban: N

Are you in KI: Y


Which do you prefER?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI:  Not gonna vote for myself so I'm gonna go with Nerdz.


Why?: Fun to fight, not talking shit in sidechat like most squeakers, respectable gang. I didn't talk much with'em but they seem like cool guys.


Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: I don't really hate anyone.


Why?: Cuz no one gave me a reason to.

Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y

Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Y

Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Y

Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Y


Are you in ISIS: N

Are you in Nerdz: N

Are you in Burban: N

Are you in KI: N


Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: Nerdz


Why?: They are respectable and keep the server fair. When we let them know our gang is new they have provided us with a pass for a few days on the server to do what me must to make money. I feel this is the way it should be, I'll explain what I hate here soon about other gangs that are cancer to the servers. I respect NERDZ.




Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: IS


Why?: IS, these guy are literal cancer to the server. I don't see how they get to play with what I've already read about them and seen through engaging them. They are trash talking CoD mentality kids. These little shits have respect for no one, including fresh spawns. Just seconds ago they were RDMing in Athira probably because they're bored and they have nothing better to do with the server going down in 30 minutes. They don't help anyone, they just love to kill. They don't offer passes. They are cancer and it's the reason I'm leaving the server they play on. They should be evaluated more by an admin or something because they ruin the game for everyone. Who holds up freshies?

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hahaa ry-guy so salty. if i remember rightly you killed our guy first. We didn't break any ALR. All the people in athira earlier got role played or shot at us first. the only fresh spawns that got killed were people that returned to the area they died before 15 mins had passed.

Also is it only recently you've noticed isis to trash talk in chat? or has it been like this for the past few weeks


I know your question wasn't directed at me, but if you're going to try and make a genuine change then I'm glad to give you my perspective. [iS] seemed alright before about a week ago.


It was only recently, like this past week that I've personally noticed the trash talking from some ISIS members. But before that ISIS seemed to keep to themselves in side chat. I know I'd enjoy it a lot more if ISIS said said GG's win or lose. Friendly rivalries are much more interesting compared to just being on bad terms entirely.

I know your question wasn't directed at me, but if you're going to try and make a genuine change then I'm glad to give you my perspective. [iS] seemed alright before about a week ago.


It was only recently, like this past week that I've personally noticed the trash talking from some ISIS members. But before that ISIS seemed to keep to themselves in side chat. I know I'd enjoy it a lot more if ISIS said said GG's win or lose. Friendly rivalries are much more interesting compared to just being on bad terms entirely.


I Think it's because we've been getting alot of noobies in, like alot. we'll try talk to them stop them whining. lmao

I know your question wasn't directed at me, but if you're going to try and make a genuine change then I'm glad to give you my perspective. [iS] seemed alright before about a week ago.


It was only recently, like this past week that I've personally noticed the trash talking from some ISIS members. But before that ISIS seemed to keep to themselves in side chat. I know I'd enjoy it a lot more if ISIS said said GG's win or lose. Friendly rivalries are much more interesting compared to just being on bad terms entirely.


Hounestly, i'd say he was defending himself. But meh, it was an opinion.

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