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APD Handbook Update 5/12/2017

Guest G.O.A.T.

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Guest G.O.A.T.

The update comes into effect immediately. These are simply clarifications to rules that have been in place for awhile, no new changes.


  1. If an aircraft is found in violation of aviation laws, officers may text the pilot once to leave or be fired upon.  The officer then must fire 3 warning shots in to be visible to the pilot ensuring the rounds miss the helicopter.  After the warning shots officers may direct fire at the helicopter in an effort to force a landing. 
  2. If an aircraft inserts itself into an active situation you are engaged with, you may open fire at the helicopter after the previously engaged suspect(s) have boarded the aircraft. (No text needed)

  3. If an aircraft is seen hovering over/around any APD occupied area (including HQ's), officers are to send 3 warning shots before opening fire on aircraft. (No text needed)

  4. If an aircraft is seen attempting to land within the jail facility during a jailbreak, entering the Federal Reserve or Blackwater during a theft attempt, they are automatically engaged. (No warning shots or text required.)

  5. If using a Ghosthawk the proper text messages must be sent first.

Chapter XI - Illegal Areas

  1. Drug dealers, Drug fields, drug processing, the Federal Reserve (during a robbery), Federal Penitentiary (during jailbreak), turtle poaching areas, frog fields, rebel areas and any other area marked with a red crosshatch are all considered illegal areas.
  2. Officers must announce themselves within any illegal area with code 3(Lights and Sirens). (Does not apply to Fed or Jail) *Texting to engage in an illegal zone is NOT ALLOWED
    1. When use Code 3 to enter a redzone, this automatically engages all civilians inside the redzone. This means once you enter the redzone with code 3, you are clear to open fire on any weapon-bearing individual inside the redzone.
  3. Officers may only enter illegal areas every 10 minutes.
  4. Officers are not to remain in an illegal area if there is no apparent illegal activity.
  5. Officers may not “camp” illegal areas by staying in the immediate vicinity outside of the illegal areas.
  6. During active engagements in any illegal area, Officers are to respond in “waves”.
    1. Each wave of officers are active until all officers at the incident have been killed or neutralized.
      1. If upon entering an illegal area and suspects are found, APD can call in backup. Backup can only enter on 1st wave as long as a member of the group calling for backup is still on scene. If the first group is eliminated before backup arrives, then second wave begins, backup is no longer available, and normal wave rules apply.
    2. All waves after the first, must start with ALL officers responding to an engagement being present in an active APD HQ.  Once all officers responding have arrived the subsequent wave may begin. (Example. When the last officer dies the next wave may begin, even if the last cop that died has not respawned. The last cop that died In the first wave can still enter wave 2.)
    3. Any officers who are pulling out of responding to an incident or are retreating from the incident to start the next wave must return to a HQ before the next wave can begin.
    4. If a situation begins inside an illegal area and then moves outside the illegal area, waves are no longer required since the fight is no longer inside the illegal area.
  7. Once an engagement within a red zone has been deemed 'neutralized' by the highest ranking member of the engagement, all officers may return to the scene to clean up/provide prisoner transport.
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3 minutes ago, DeadPool1337 said:

Looks like im not bringing my blackfish to anther Blackwater

Like he said before that's not a rule change. It's been like that for ages.

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On 5/13/2017 at 0:21 AM, G.O.A.T. said:

Once an engagement within a red zone has been deemed 'neutralized' by the highest ranking member of the engagement, all officers may return to the scene to clean up/provide prisoner transport.

this is cool

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