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Hey I was wondering can I get banned for this I got a spar16s that has a bipod on it and I can remove it and put it in my crate after restart it has another bipod and still the other one in my crate and I can keep doing this after every restart https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925927998459899086/0F431D50C12CF1122AF4587806E284FDD73B9B2F/https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925927998459898848/ADC6503E4181B45E4E3635106604006A8622E10C/ theirs links to show it 

Edited by Trump24

Yeah ya cant do that. I suggest handing the bipods over to staff before they see that in the logs. 

and I think you're missing a screenshot too. Never saw it in your crate. but this is still duping 

Edited by drraison
17 minutes ago, drraison said:

Yeah ya cant do that. I suggest handing the bipods over to staff before they see that in the logs. 

and I think you're missing a screenshot too. Never saw it in your crate. but this is still duping 

Only did it once confused wat happen cause a friend gave to me thought he put a bipod on it 

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