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WTB S2 Meth House

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1 hour ago, Viper said:

I got a s2 4 crater in abdera 

How much?


9 minutes ago, Theak said:

garage in abde possible for sale

How much?

1 hour ago, Viper said:

I mean gimme a price


34 minutes ago, Theak said:

i want a few mill at least, if you want keys ill give you a deal.
ive been doing that for awhile just selling access to it

Few mil!? Damn I don’t need it that bad

through the years the avg sale price was 5 mill. and i have been in the gang that owned it for awhile.
some houses / garages are worth more because of their location or functionality. Sounds expensive but when you have a place to pull and store thats not kavala your already in the green.
I have been renting for 500k a month. there are 5 people currently all using the place but that ended 14 days ago and i just having cleared house so to speak.

and i just realized i have a 3 crater over there too some where... ima logon on civ real fast

4 hours ago, xPersianSniper said:

Two 1 craters basically two crater 900 meters away from lab. Also near gas station. They’re in dp4 and are really good meth houses  

Want somethng bigger than a 1crater, sorry my guy.

12 hours ago, xPersianSniper said:

It’s two 1 craters basically a two crater but ok

Basically a 2 crater that takes up 2 house slots. So basiclly 2 one craters 

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