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New PC Build WIP

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So I'm looking to get a new tower, since my laptop is becoming outdated, and I don't know too much about which parts are better than which. My friend made a build for around ~$1300 since I figured it's a pretty modest build price. Here's the link for it: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/JoshNaDell/saved/hqvqqs


If any of you guys could take a look at it, and tell me if it's good or which parts I should change out or replace. Any related feedback is appreciated :)

Seems solid to me. I would say if you can afford to upgrade to an i7 it might be worth it, but in most cases an i5 will cut it as far as modern gaming goes. Arma does lean heavily on your CPU and RAM though more so than your GPU so in terms of JUST playing Arma with it I think the extra money for the i7 would probably be worth it.

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If you get a H97 board get a Non "k" CPU as you wont be able to OC and then you can just use the stock cooler if you want, i have a stock on my I7 4770k and my temps rarely go over 70c on load.

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This is pretty close to my current build, only differences being I have 32gb of RAM currently, an EVGA 550Ti (1.5gb) doing all the PhysX work and I put in a generic 2TB HDD for this build. Otherwise, this is pretty close to what I am at.



Yo mate, looking like a good build. But if you play a lot of Arma 3, just my suggestion. Drop the GTX to a lower GTX product, and go for a higher up CPU (i6, i7) and that will guarantee 90+ frames. Unless you plan to play GPU games quite a bit also, keep your build!



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