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Who won the war MC or Tree

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I agree that it was finnicky that Conner was revived, but he was AFK the entire time. He told us later he clicked "Request" and then went to dinner assuming it'd be over by the time a medic arrived. I agree- That was shakey, but he didn't budge and was killed instantly regardless. 

Diesel joined the last second, flew over and we told him to straight fuck off. He didn't call anyone out; just came, got bitched out by the gang, and flew off. We're defensive because we want it to remain a legitimate competition regardless of numbers.

We're always down for a rematch, it was fun. Like bacardi said- we didn't quite hear the rules put out by Moob to fly out north...we ran on foot lol... TS was Loud as shit but silent like a library when the battle started. Hopefully our Rematch won't have ANY hiccups and goes smoothly. None of us wanted anything shiesty. 

I agree that it was finnicky that Conner was revived, but he was AFK the entire time. He told us later he clicked "Request" and then went to dinner assuming it'd be over by the time a medic arrived. I agree- That was shakey, but he didn't budge and was killed instantly regardless. 

Diesel joined the last second, flew over and we told him to straight fuck off. He didn't call anyone out; just came, got bitched out by the gang, and flew off. We're defensive because we want it to remain a legitimate competition regardless of numbers.

We're always down for a rematch, it was fun. Like bacardi said- we didn't quite hear the rules put out by Moob to fly out north...we ran on foot lol... TS was Loud as shit but silent like a library when the battle started. Hopefully our Rematch won't have ANY hiccups and goes smoothly. None of us wanted anything shiesty. 

It was fun for the most part. Well for the people who survived till the end. But we heard the rules clear as day because we muted TS or if someone was loud they were kicked from the channel. They were clear. We weren't salty we all knew we lost and joked about it. The fog was a difficult thing to deal with. We couldn't see anything 10ft away. But was fun wouldn't mind doing it again. 

I wonder, why ask "Who won" when any comments made against you guys or in a way that makes MC look like the winners you guys attack the poster..


Don't ask a question that involves a lot of opinion and then reply to everything with "salty"


Afaik the poster of this thread isn't in Tree or MC.


Nonetheless, I'm excited for the Zubr Extraordinare

I regret making this

I heard about it and now its a fight just cause I wanted to know who won

lol Nah it ain't like that at all. Just small things people had to get off their chest. Regardless of numbers on either side, shit was fun and no one is salty(I know my first post misinterpreted McDili's post....was raging drunk) I look forward to the Zubr fight followed by Ifrit Derby followed by Joint Terror on Altis/Server 1. 

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