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Lincoln Williams------o7

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11 hours ago, Dingle Pooper said:

nah nah nah you just got back you need to stay

you don't even like me pooper :( wouldn't give me no millions :(

On 5/11/2019 at 5:53 PM, Lincoln Williams said:

Welp.....it's finally time. Since 2014 I have been rummaging thru this game RPING the shit out of even the little bunnies running across the road. Fast forward to 2019 and guess what.....same fucking bunny running across the road. The only thing that is different now vs. then is the lack of roleplay from other people. I still get my fix RPING as a medic and do enjoy it....but I can't commit to this anymore. Arma is dying and I can't be bothered to play it.  I'm not gonna do a bunch of shoutouts cause c'mon lets be real....You didn't like me cause I made you stand there for 10minutes while I yelled at you as a cop for not using your blinker lol. Or forced you to deal with the fact that a emergency sex change was needed to revive you.....enjoy your vagina's btw. 

Furthermore I have found my RP to travel over to GTA Rp.....so essentially I'm just moving Lincoln Williams. I love you all....I def had some good and bad memories here....Keep shooting each other....


Lincoln Williams - 10-7


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