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APD Handbook Update 2/17/2020

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  • Lead Texture Designer

Changes Appear In Red/Green

Chapter XIV - APD Aircraft

  1. Aircraft Patrols
    1. Recon Patrols may be performed by an officer to relay info to ground units
      1. May not directly engage ground units
      2. Must leave with the wave, but does not have to return to HQ when wave ends
      3. Must not use lights and sirens
      4. May switch to rapid response
      5. Recon planes may be operated by more than one officer
      6. Planes should only be used when responding to an active or impending situation (Planes may not be used to scout the entire map without due reason)
      7. Recon helicopters may have a maximum of two occupants; a pilot and co-pilot
    2. Rapid Response
      1. These patrols engage with criminals on the ground
      2. Must use lights+sirens when patrolling illegal areas
      3. In order to switch to Recon, they must return to HQ
  2. Armed Airplane patrols
    1. Armed planes will follow Ghosthawk engagement rules
      1. Armed plane can also engage high-value ground vehicles.
    2. Armed planes mirror the guns hot status of the Ghosthawk, not vice-versa

Chapter XV - Bait Cars

  1. Bait cars may only be used for patrol by SGT+
  2. Bait cars may be left in illegal areas, but those areas may not be camped
    1. A marked vehicle must accompany the bait car into the zone
  3. Movement of the GPS tracker is probable cause to raid, regardless of time.
  4. Bait cars may only be given to civilians to facilitate APD operations.
  5. Sergeants and higher may utilize undercover Hatchbacks, SUVs, Vans, and Qilin for patrolling illegal areas.

**The last update about planes, fully disregard that last update. This is what is effective Immediately.**

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