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givin it a week TOPS..

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Okey.. People need to start RP more or i am done with olympus... 

Everytime i play cop all MC does is to text the emerency channel to fight us, and when they get caught they start to preach rules and yell at us for what we did wrong when we are in the right...


This isn't RP, it's not even fun anymore, i thought this was a RP server, wich is clairly that it is turning into wasteland with some RP rules... 


so i am givin it a week tops, if it hasn't become better until then i am thinking about turning in my badge and leave olympus..


Fluffy OUT

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Okey.. People need to start RP more or i am done with olympus... 


Everytime i play cop all MC does is to text the emerency channel to fight us, and when they get caught they start to preach rules and yell at us for what we did wrong when we are in the right...


This isn't RP, it's not even fun anymore, i thought this was a RP server, wich is clairly that it is turning into wasteland with some RP rules... 


so i am givin it a week tops, if it hasn't become better until then i am thinking about turning in my badge and leave olympus..


Fluffy OUT

If people start quoting rules have a Patrol Officer or higher send them straight to jail. That's Fail RP.

The thing is.. Olympus server 1 and 2 are RP servers, but there is absolutly no RP in texting the APD channel for the whole server uptime just cause you want to kill people... if you wanna kill people then go play on our wasteland server and leave the RP servers for the RP.... 

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The PO7 leathal is a bug, so if you have problems with it then go and talk to Hades or posseidon about it.. Deputies can't do anything about it but to try and play cop as good as possible 

They Can do something about when you have you hands up and they "try to taze you" when they know it lethals them. 


Now about the killing people (cops) in kavala, We text Emergency so no one bitches i didnt get a text and its not like we are doing a fed or prison you dont have to keep respawning in kavala to try to stop us all you have to do is spawn somewhere else and not deal with it. I highly doubt it will stop so bai

bye bye, I don't know what you're talking about cause you RDMd Domino the other day, BurBan told domino to put his hands up and he did but once they let him go he turned around and killed one, you just rdmd him there with a .50 cal truck and you werent engaged 

Im about to break this down #WordToUMutha


@FluffyTeddy MC Does what they must to RP. Yesterday i had a Fairly Good RP session with MC while being Butt Raped by MC. You think that Moob can Control 13+ Members all while he is also trying to RP with the APD, and if you cannot relate to that think of a mother with 13 children at a Grocery store shopping (That is how I Imagine moob). and Fluffy Moob also has this Philosophy would you rather MC take out there RAGING KILLING BONERS On new Civilians that aren't yet hard core Olympus players or APD That play Olympus like its a Religion? If you are asking them to Surrender ever time or even Surrender at all when the see the APD you are sadly mistaken. Does ISIS respect the the Government? No. Then why should Hardcore Slugs like MC follow APD. Also about the RP how are you going to control Every Player on the Server you will Eventually when you play more learn who yo can RP and who you can say Bugger to you and turn down your RP. For Example [MC] GafSki is the worst RPer in my Opinion But most of the APD Knows this so when he Immidalttly breaks RP and says he is Hades BFF and We are going to get banned ask him why He relates to the God of the Underworld and if he needs a Doctor because he sees Invisible Gods. Just because People have SHIT RP doesn't mean you can't have fun with it. For Poisdens sake its a Game! (Ehhh See What i did there Poisiden is GAWD). On a Final note and to wrap up Bye Teddy Because people will not change without proof or encouragement in fear of Almighty Ban Hammer


@ToeKnee you of all people should know that APD Deputies are Deputies for a reason. That is also the Reason of why MXCs and Automatic Rifles are for Patrol Officers.

It even States in the hand book that they are learning RP and RULES. And that Does not give anybody a Right to break RP or Bend Rules. (Not Saying that you did d/ Lack of Proof) I'm not saying that some Deputies have Horrible RP and Also will Instantly break RP and Or throw a Pissy Fit. But You know as much as i do that not everybody can RP the same, also that is what Ride alongs are for to weed out Bad Role Playing and or Shit Cops. if you have Proof of a Shit Cop Submit it you should know that and not make Accusations.






Deputy - This is the lowest rank of the APD.  In this rank an individual is re-enforcing their knowledge of the rules and learning basic role-play.  Deputy

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Hey you wanna whine and complain about "no rp" "just emergency texts" i dont see you stopping and putting your hands up..... 

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for the record, i have stopped and put my hands up several times only to get my head blown off.. I am a deputy still cause i actually don't care if i get to become a PO or not cause i play cop to have good RP, and i enjoy playing cop cause it's fun.. but when gangs and people can text emergency channel the whole server uptime from server start and til server reset it stops to be fun when they do it reset after reset.. enough said... 

for the record, i have stopped and put my hands up several times only to get my head blown off.. I am a deputy still cause i actually don't care if i get to become a PO or not cause i play cop to have good RP, and i enjoy playing cop cause it's fun.. but when gangs and people can text emergency channel the whole server uptime from server start and til server reset it stops to be fun when they do it reset after reset.. enough said... 



Do to Lack of TCHART. This is all my Opinion because that's what a forums is for Opinions. I hate MC as much as the next guy, im just looking at it from both sides



Nope, i told him to do as he was told, he failed to do so and i shot him..

From the sounds of it you just opened fire on another guy that didn't even concern you, and if you're going to leave just do it your gonna start a flame war here
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Let me just start off by saying this, When I was a Deputy shit was 10 times harder, were using rooks for fucks sake if you can't handle someone with a rook, Then sorry but you sir are shit. And as far as us not rpin, You gotta catch us to have rp ;) and like Mr.fedot stated "There's 13 of us" what the hell are we supposed to do? Do drug runs 24/7? Oh i know lets do a fed oh wait you will whine and bitch about that one to. So ya know what we do, we run around kavala with rooks and pdubs and kill cops instead of robbing new players.  If you're leaving adios if not then quit bitching. And always have a nice day sir ;)





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Fluffy's friend was robbing me the other day and while i was complying to his demands, fluffy shot me. His friend even said "Sry hes got an itchy trigger finger." good riddance.

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