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APD Camp Red Zones?

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Before i went to the frog process i made a loop around to make sure no one would see me, even tho i was on olympus #2 and it was pretty much dead.

After 10min of processing i hear police sirens APD rush me and ask me to put my hands up.


The only way they could of known i was there is camping the red zone, they even turned their sirens on as if they were 100% i was there.

The APD do patrols, and processing takes a while. They will show up at the most inconvenient times I know, but please don't automatically assume they were camping it.

APD frequently check red zones and when they enter the area they have to go in with their alarms and lights on.  You were just unfortunate to have been there during one of their routine checks of the illegal area...it happens

Please don't talk about the specific players when speaking of the rules. It denotes their name even if it isn't true. If you have proof then submit it. Otherwise please don't create the beginning to a flame war naming names and labeling people

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ya just read the apd handbook and you'll see what they did was perfectly fine just like jaden's avator...perfectly fine


APD can, will and are perfectly following APD standards when they check redzones EVERY 10 minutes... When doing this we ALLWAYS have to go into the redzone with both lights and sirens on as this is standard procedure.. WE don't camp redzones even if you CIVS think we do.. We are checking the whole entire map several times each patrol, and we have a patrol ready and stationed in each city when there is enough APD officers online..


DOES this answer your raging question ?

Or is this just more fule to your flamewar?

Before i went to the frog process i made a loop around to make sure no one would see me, even tho i was on olympus #2 and it was pretty much dead.

After 10min of processing i hear police sirens APD rush me and ask me to put my hands up.


The only way they could of known i was there is camping the red zone, they even turned their sirens on as if they were 100% i was there.

Please disregard some of my colleagues. Taken straight from the APD handbook.  

  • Drug dealers, Drug fields, drug processing, the Federal Reserve (during a robbery), Federal Penitentiary (during jailbreak), turtle poaching areas, frog fields, rebel areas and any other area marked with a red crosshatch are all considered illegal areas.

  • Gang Hideouts are considered Red Zones.  They encompass the area inside the walls that surround the Gang Hideout building.

  • Officers must announce themselves within any illegal area and respond in Code 3 fashion (Lights and Sirens)

  • Officers may only enter illegal areas every 10 minutes.

  • Officers are not to remain in an illegal area if there is no apparent illegal activity.

  • Officers may not

Please disregard some of my colleagues. Taken straight from the APD handbook.  


  • Drug dealers, Drug fields, drug processing, the Federal Reserve (during a robbery), Federal Penitentiary (during jailbreak), turtle poaching areas, frog fields, rebel areas and any other area marked with a red crosshatch are all considered illegal areas.

  • Gang Hideouts are considered Red Zones.  They encompass the area inside the walls that surround the Gang Hideout building.

  • Officers must announce themselves within any illegal area and respond in Code 3 fashion (Lights and Sirens)

  • Officers may only enter illegal areas every 10 minutes.

  • Officers are not to remain in an illegal area if there is no apparent illegal activity.

  • Officers may not


Please disregard some of my colleagues. Taken straight from the APD handbook.  

  • Drug dealers, Drug fields, drug processing, the Federal Reserve (during a robbery), Federal Penitentiary (during jailbreak), turtle poaching areas, frog fields, rebel areas and any other area marked with a red crosshatch are all considered illegal areas.

  • Gang Hideouts are considered Red Zones.  They encompass the area inside the walls that surround the Gang Hideout building.

  • Officers must announce themselves within any illegal area and respond in Code 3 fashion (Lights and Sirens)

  • Officers may only enter illegal areas every 10 minutes.

  • Officers are not to remain in an illegal area if there is no apparent illegal activity.

  • Officers may not

Well that was uncalled for.

neither was your post about playing club penguin...I had a miny heart attack and a part of me died

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