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Obviously they've been around for forever but they're nothing like they used to be, I feel like something needs to be done to spice things up for both Civs and the APD. I just can't think of anything off the top of my head that would help besides a full redesign of both. Any ideas so we can eventually get something rolling on the topic? 

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1. In what ways would you buff the APD though?

2. I agree with this to an extent, but it would have to be something really unique to make it work well. 

6 hours ago, DOCTOR FUCKING DOOM said:

@ rabid  had a good idea for this.

1. buff apd at federal events and generate more gear / gold bars

2. add event between blackwater and fed that isn't shit


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the issue with buffing APD more is the fact that basically all these buffs are catered to 20+ man (cabal) events. If anyone else tried to do a fed now with these new buffs they're completely fucked. 

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3 hours ago, Tarquanda said:

the issue with buffing APD more is the fact that basically all these buffs are catered to 20+ man (cabal) events. If anyone else tried to do a fed now with these new buffs they're completely fucked. 

You're lost if you think that we get above 10 80% of the time, nevermind 20.

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