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Locked The Conclusion of 2021 [December Giveaway!] - $2000+ Giveaway

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0(Male 240lb Beer gut father of 2 gets off his throne *flush* and exits bathroom, overhearing about this ryan giveaway)

1(thinks in head) =>I wanna shake his hand<=     

2(says softly) =>I wanna shake your hand<=     

3(Proceeds to awkwardly lock eyes with Ryan from across the room intent to shake this mans hand)

4(approaches in blue swade shirt tucked + khaki cargo shorts + wearing crocks+ high white socks+ with a bowl cut)

5(says directly to Ryan) =>I Want To Shake Your Hand<=

6(Extends My Sweaty Meaty  Dominant Unwashed Male Dad Hand Outward)

7(admin holds me back forcing me to voice my mission louder) => NO STOP I just Wanna SHAKE his HAND!

8(wipes all bodily sweat off on any nearby Olympus members in a desperate attempt to shake his hand)

9(Olympus Staff Prepping The Ban Hammer) => YOU MO*H*R  F*C**RS JUST LET ME SHAKE HIS FU***NG HAND 

Player*Wolfe* kicked off by BattlEye:Admin Kick (Assault By Agrresive Handshake To Ryan - Wolfe -Perm - Ryan (remaining:Perm)


Yessir!!!! Not gonna lie, had not been playing Olympus in over 2 years dude to the boys getting split. We just recently got back into it and it feels like the good days. It is a shame about S2 and S3 but I feel with the only server and more people allowed it has brought the community closer no homo. #pocketadmins, #IamupnextCPL, #Nosuckingdick, #NOSIMPSALLOWED. 

  • Senior Web Developer
14 hours ago, wasabi xox said:

I JUST REALLY WANNA SMASH @ hawk yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 

-post the clip brah xox ❤️

If I still have the clip I'll post it when I can 😘

@ wasabi xox  https://i.gyazo.com/d2d840df08048d79dbce6134c7ebc187.mp4

  • Haha 1

I miss the Ryan/Drama duo.. nevertheless love to see this tradition persist! Can't wait to open my air garage and see something new 😆

  • Love 1


                                              All I want for Christmas is more bombs to blow up more cops with my friends in 2022 🎄                :pepega:



Edited by Zombies Mall Cop
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