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Locked The Conclusion of 2021 [December Giveaway!] - $2000+ Giveaway

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Male Bull Moose have one obvious way they show off to the ladies: their antlers. The bigger the rack, the fitter the bull, and the more females are likely to be interested. It turns out size does matter to a female moose, because a large set of antlers indicates that a bull is healthy and would likely father strong calves. Due to their size and weight, antlers grow solely for mating purposes, then fall off in the winter. Male moose begin growing antlers after their first year, but are very unlikely to find a mate at this young age. Cow moose tend to prefer more mature bulls, and a bull moose’s prime age for mating is between five and ten years.

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On 12/1/2021 at 1:50 AM, Ryan said:

Whelp another year is soon coming to an end. Olympus has had a lot of ups and downs this year, thankfully as of recently its been more of a 📈. We appreciate all of you and the amazing support Olympus has received lately. As we all know I have made it a habit to do a giveaway on this server every year around this time, and this year I wanted it to be our biggest one. I will also be doing some minor giveaways on Discord, so make sure you guys are all in there. On behalf of all the Olympus Staff and myself, we appreciate everyone that has stuck with us throughout this year ❤️ I hope everyone is safe, happy and healthy! Good luck to all of you!

Here is the giveaway for this year 🙂 


  • 3 Steam Games (within reason, whatever I find on your wishlist. 3 Different People, 1 game each)
  • 2 $25 Amazon Gift Cards (US/UK Only)
  • 1 $25 Visa Gift Card
  • 1 $10 Olympus Gift Card
  • 1 $25 Olympus Gift Card 
  • 1 $50 Olympus Gift Card
  • 1 $75 Olympus Gift Card
  • 1 $100 Olympus Gift Card
  • 3 VIP Ranks ($150 Value)
  • 2 Elite Ranks ($200 Value)
  • 1 Champion Tier ($250 Value)
  • 1 Legendary Tier ($500 Value)
  • 1 Custom Uniform (1 Month)
  • 1 Custom Gang Vehicle (1 Month)
  • 5 Olympus+ Subs (1 Month)
  • 2 Olympus+ Subs (3 month)
  • $20 Mil in game
  • $15 Mil in game
  • $15 Mil in gangfunds
  • $10 Mil in game
  • $5 Mil in game
  • 200 Warpoints
  • 150 Warpoints
  • 100 Warpoints
  • 50 Warpoints
  • 1 GhostHawk
  • 1 7.62 Suppressor
  • Some extra surprises you may see


  • Must NOT be banned from our servers
  • Must be an active player of the community
  • Must have *reasonable* time served in game within the 2 weeks of playing when the winner is picked
  • Comment down below to enter (make it something interesting, its boring every year)
  • Giveaway entries end on 12/25/2021

Good luck everyone!
give me erep


As a Weenie team correspondent I am entering this giveaway on behalf of my gang weenie. We have made great strides on the server to eliminate all of the filthy infidels from altis and finally have lasting peace. This is our most recent addon to our public outreach program spreading the great word of our lord and savior weenus christ. 

This shows the need for us to win the giveaway in order to fulfill our destiny as the liberators of altis. 


                                           [ween] jwhit. Praise weenus my friends praise weenus.

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On 12/1/2021 at 12:50 AM, Ryan said:

Whelp another year is soon coming to an end. Olympus has had a lot of ups and downs this year, thankfully as of recently its been more of a 📈. We appreciate all of you and the amazing support Olympus has received lately. As we all know I have made it a habit to do a giveaway on this server every year around this time, and this year I wanted it to be our biggest one. I will also be doing some minor giveaways on Discord, so make sure you guys are all in there. On behalf of all the Olympus Staff and myself, we appreciate everyone that has stuck with us throughout this year ❤️ I hope everyone is safe, happy and healthy! Good luck to all of you!

Here is the giveaway for this year 🙂 


  • 3 Steam Games (within reason, whatever I find on your wishlist. 3 Different People, 1 game each)
  • 2 $25 Amazon Gift Cards (US/UK Only)
  • 1 $25 Visa Gift Card
  • 1 $10 Olympus Gift Card
  • 1 $25 Olympus Gift Card 
  • 1 $50 Olympus Gift Card
  • 1 $75 Olympus Gift Card
  • 1 $100 Olympus Gift Card
  • 3 VIP Ranks ($150 Value)
  • 2 Elite Ranks ($200 Value)
  • 1 Champion Tier ($250 Value)
  • 1 Legendary Tier ($500 Value)
  • 1 Custom Uniform (1 Month)
  • 1 Custom Gang Vehicle (1 Month)
  • 5 Olympus+ Subs (1 Month)
  • 2 Olympus+ Subs (3 month)
  • $20 Mil in game
  • $15 Mil in game
  • $15 Mil in gangfunds
  • $10 Mil in game
  • $5 Mil in game
  • 200 Warpoints
  • 150 Warpoints
  • 100 Warpoints
  • 50 Warpoints
  • 1 GhostHawk
  • 1 7.62 Suppressor
  • Some extra surprises you may see


  • Must NOT be banned from our servers
  • Must be an active player of the community
  • Must have *reasonable* time served in game within the 2 weeks of playing when the winner is picked
  • Comment down below to enter (make it something interesting, its boring every year)
  • Giveaway entries end on 12/25/2021

Good luck everyone!
give me erep


Give me my money im broke af 


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Ryan is the coolest man ever! like this one time he gave me a pimp ass custom paint job for the m900 and i tell you want that bitch sent me pussy rate skyy high! couldnt keep the hoe's out the chopper 🙂 this is and always will be me fav altis life server!! 

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