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APD Handbook/Ticket Guide Update 12/02/21

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Chapter VI - Dealing with Vehicles

  1. Illegal Vehicles
    1. Any armed vehicle, Ifrit, Strider, Hunter, Taru Bench, Jet Aircraft, APD Escort Event Vehicle, Pharmaceutical vehicles and any variants of the Blackfish.

Chapter X - Illegal Areas

  1. Any area marked with a red crosshatch is considered an illegal area, including active Banks, Jails, Blackwaters, and Federal Reserves.
  2. Officers must announce themselves when entering an illegal area with code 3.
    1. Code 3 automatically engages all armed civilians in the illegal area.
    2. Exception: No code 3 is needed when entering an active Federal Event or Bank.
    1. During situations inside of illegal areas, officers must respond in waves.
  3. Exception: An active Bank.

Chapter XI - Blue Zones1

  1. The APD Escort Event, Bank, Art Gallery & Pharmaceutical Robbery are Blue Zones.
    1. APD Officers responding to an active Bank, Art Gallery Robbery or a Pharmaceutical Robbery must respond code 3 or dark with the intent to verbally engage.

Chapter II - Use of Force

  1. High Value Target (HVT)
  2. An HVT is defined as an individual with a bounty exceeding 300k, charged with hostage situation, charged with kidnapping a government official or conducting illegal activities in a Zamak+

Chapter XVIII - APD Aircraft[edit]

  1. Aircraft Patrols - Planes should only be used when responding to an active or impending situation (Planes may not be used to scout the entire map without due reason)
    1. Exception: Armed plane patrols may be utilized to engage High Value Targets ($300k+ bounty or in a zamak or larger).
    1. The Ghosthawk
    2. The weapons may only be used on aerial, or illegal vehicles (including APD/R&R Hunters and Striders).
      1. Exception: The Pharmaceutical Vehicle and the APD Escort Event Vehicle.

APD Ticket Guide

Possession of APD Equipment VL $25,500 $25,500 Jail Warrants probable cause.

Add if a suspect is in possession of any APD tool (this includes vehicles and gear), or interacts with the inventory of the APD Escort Event Vehicle.


@Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member


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5 hours ago, Winters said:

charged with hostage situation, charged with kidnapping a government official

heyyyyy 😎 

so if im reading this right i can see an armed plane being pulled on a pharma 🤨

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