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88 Ended War with The C.T.F.

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Just now, Strafe said:

ctfs been scared of calliou since the day we got created lol, i even war you every time i get on and never get accepted.

i would accept war from your dead gang.

2 minutes ago, anti said:

i would accept war from your dead gang.

ive requested war 3 times in the past week every time declined.

& my dead gang would still mop the floor with you and your rebreather

6 hours ago, anti said:

Hope you aint talkign to us?   We've been warred with you forever.

I am, CTF is not warred with Prada. Sent one yesterday that was declined. 

This is the most comedic thread I've read in awhile. The fact that CTF wrote this down as an all out war between our two gangs when we purely saw them as shit under our shoe and free warpoints. We don't like warring vigi gangs and that was probably the biggest reason we ended it. Other than that idk why we did and I think we should start it again would be beneficial, for my warpoint bank account that is. CTF hasn't been seen too be this pathetic since when Anti tried too form an "Eastern Aliiance" so she could run her salt happily in 480P and 30 FPS.

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we didnt end war over johns off road lol he legit owns an entire garage of armed vehicles he could care lees about an off road we ended war because it wasnt worth us having lol you were only ever in pygros and never anywhere else we could care less if u are white name we will still shit on you anytime we come in contact you are a garbage waste of space gang that not a single soul on this server is affraid of lol go back to hiding in the slums of pygros and we will thrive in the town you once called home lol thanks for all the sofia real estate we really enjoyed it 

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2 hours ago, Kebsr9 said:

This is the most comedic thread I've read in awhile. The fact that CTF wrote this down as an all out war between our two gangs when we purely saw them as shit under our shoe and free warpoints. We don't like warring vigi gangs and that was probably the biggest reason we ended it. Other than that idk why we did and I think we should start it again would be beneficial, for my warpoint bank account that is. CTF hasn't been seen too be this pathetic since when Anti tried too form an "Eastern Aliiance" so she could run her salt happily in 480P and 30 FPS.

really going back 4 years with that one. 

88 afraid to war CTF.   Times are changed.. we run the show now.

1 hour ago, 1emplar said:

you guys ended war because we kept shitting on you than your vigis were camping reb so when you send war we declined 

this message looks like it was typed through tears

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1 hour ago, 1emplar said:

you guys ended war because we kept shitting on you than your vigis were camping reb so when you send war we declined 

Ok.. show a single video of our 'vigis camping rebel'... even though we have one vigi thats been playing nothing but rebel lately.  

You got shit on and ended war.  Stop lying.  Show video.

You guys are never coming back from this.  CTF ON TOP.

Just now, 1emplar said:

lol you ended war than vigi camped warzone rebs cope + L crip walking GIF by Blueface

Templar you don't provide evidence for anything you say

Cope + seethe + L

5 minutes ago, 1emplar said:

send proof of us ending war snoop dogg GIF

don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based

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On 5/15/2022 at 2:33 AM, 1emplar said:

send proof of us ending war snoop dogg GIF

Dearest Dahlia,

I hope this letter finds you well.  It has been 5 days since The 88th Division has ended the war.  We have since just been taking whatever we want from them.  Peace is hell.  
We stole all their mushrooms, and was told to go kill ourselves.  We would have to, as they won't war us and can't kill us themselves.  LT Heritage went on a mass murder spree of them, and they just relented and talked about how good he is.  I cannot wait to get home to see you again.

Yours Truly,
The Sovereign

88 - Drops war for no apparent reason.
Sends a guy to speak to me and asks for truce.
I agree and we go our merry ways. I even scout copper for them and retaliate against S when S blows up their plane.
Two days later: 88 attempts to rob us for oil and gets shut down.


What's going on gents? 

16 minutes ago, 1emplar said:

send proof retard snoop dogg GIF

We're making a whole montage of you declining war.  Have 13 videos so far.


On 5/14/2022 at 3:35 AM, anti said:

1. Gang hopping to go into and come out of wars is extemely ratty.  You wanted to be able to catch us off guard, while making yourself immune to ever being caught off guard.  

2. You concocted a ton of elaborate reasonings as to why it somehow wasn't ratty, but it was. 

3. get cob AND LNT to war us and we're in business.  Been calling for the cob war for a hot minute.   But don't hide behind slayer's skirt to chill, and all of a sudden be LNT once you know where we are.

1. Never gang hopped, was on the fence about fully committing to LnT since @ MBPslyr is a babe and I've known him for a lot longer than most LnT guys. So when I was with LnT I joined their gang to help fight if any retards they were at war with tried to run up, I didn't exactly have immunity btw, I was in LnT most of the time just under CoB tags so my name was still red af for you guys lol.

2. I explained to you in game what I just explained above, wasn't ratty at all. It was a fair fight for both of us and I was the one that started the kill on you guys so it's not like you didn't know I was enemy gang because my CoB tag?

3. I don't really play anymore but again, I wasn't really in CoB and my name was still red so don't use the tag as an excuse. And I will re-iterate one more time for that last sentence; I never hid behind a tag, I was playing with LnT and wanted to help fight anyone they were at war with so I joined them and never once hid under slayer's gang to chill, I was at war with anyone LnT was at war with for a long time, I didn't leave LnT's gang after that whole ordeal btw. Sorry some people don't just hop gangs easily like you would, I like to do a little trial run and see if I like it before I fully join. You didn't like dying and I get that but don't pretend you ended the war because what? I had CoB tags when I killed you in an LnT war? Smh

45 minutes ago, 1emplar said:

your gang is nothing but shit under our boot 5000 hours of arma 3 and you cant hit 1 shot your a disappointment to your entire family Get Down Dancing GIF by Bounce

At least I'm  better than  88 apparently.  Accept war.

On 5/11/2022 at 2:59 PM, anti said:

Let us never forget the brave sacrifices made by the soldiers of the CTF to protect all the freedoms we enjoy today.  Ultimately, the pressure was too much, and Big John elected to surrender unconditionally and beg for mercy for his people.  There will be none. 


How dare you disrespect my German brothers like that. 👨🏿‍🦳🔫

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Hmmm, what is this war talk?


Wouldn't it be easier for us all to go get some Hawaiian barbecued chicken and have a round-table about how 13% of the population commits over 50% of all violent crime?


Edited by Heritage

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