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House update or riot

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Make sure you aren't breaking any Random Destruction rules while you're at it.

lol next it will be im being rdred stop rdring me. that seemed funny in my head idk why

You'll get crates tomorrow but not virtual due to some issues, virtual will come at a later date. #dealwithit

Hey, I seem to have the opposite problem, I just bought a house this morning, (1st house yay!) And my virtual inventory was fine. However, I could not place any crates. I bought the small one from the vendor, and tried to put in my house, but it says " You have reached your crate limit. Buy more houses, or better houses to increase crate limit" I do not own any other crates, nor homes. I bought the 750k one story stone house. ANy word on this? Thanks.

Hey, I seem to have the opposite problem, I just bought a house this morning, (1st house yay!) And my virtual inventory was fine. However, I could not place any crates. I bought the small one from the vendor, and tried to put in my house, but it says " You have reached your crate limit. Buy more houses, or better houses to increase crate limit" I do not own any other crates, nor homes. I bought the 750k one story stone house. ANy word on this? Thanks.

I believe that issue goes away on server restart, not sure. Try again and let me know.

  • Admin

Hey, I seem to have the opposite problem, I just bought a house this morning, (1st house yay!) And my virtual inventory was fine. However, I could not place any crates. I bought the small one from the vendor, and tried to put in my house, but it says " You have reached your crate limit. Buy more houses, or better houses to increase crate limit" I do not own any other crates, nor homes. I bought the 750k one story stone house. ANy word on this? Thanks.

Hey. BTW. So. Did you get virtual inventory for it? I'm thinking of taking the plunge, I'm just not sure though. Can you verify and report back as to exactly what is not working please? Thanks!

I can verify, I bought the 750k house, and I have 100 space virtual inventory, and was able to place a small crate after soft log. :) YIPPIE~!

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