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Medic inactivity

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I just wanted to ask all the medics out there why don't you guys play that much?  The maximum medics online at one point I have seen is 3 and that is in an entirely full server.  I wonder if there is really no incentive to playing medic other than the 10K reward.

I do not play medic because playing CIV and COP takes all of my free time after work/husband/ father ( a dog ) duties.  But I'd like for the medics to share a little bit of insight as to why are they so inactive and usually are on server 1 than on 2.  Even though I know there are usually more people on server 1 but on server 2 is where all the gritty action is ( mostly in red zones anyway ). 

I just want to know if it's really just such a mundane role that the least amount of people play it, and if it is then make a list of the things you'd like for there to be to make your play time as medic more enjoyable ( to be considered by the Sr. Medics and staff ). 

On a normal day, there's about enough work for 1 medic per 20-30 non-medics to stay reasonably busy.  Server populations have been really low since Exile and school starting back up.  Heck, lots of time there's just 20 civs on server 2, no APD nor medics.

Other factors perhaps causing people not to play as medic: bugs being abused by players without consequence.  People having so much $$$ and/or equipment stashed away that it's not worth their time to call a medic.  Driving 10 minutes only to get the "flying body" bug.  

Despite all of this I've been trying to put in some good time on medic -- if for nothing else than it being valuable for the community.  Altis Life is best when there are people in all the roles, and gets a bit degenerate when there aren't.    

I think the the best solution is to do something that provides incentives for civs and APD to call medics (and not immediately disconnect) more often.  #1 thing bug/exploit fixes.  

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U sound salty, how much in gear did you lose cuz  you couldent get revive  before you posted this? :P

Not salty at all.  Just concerned.  

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I just wanted to ask all the medics out there why don't you guys play that much?  The maximum medics online at one point I have seen is 3 and that is in an entirely full server.  I wonder if there is really no incentive to playing medic other than the 10K reward.

I do not play medic because playing CIV and COP takes all of my free time after work/husband/ father ( a dog ) duties.  But I'd like for the medics to share a little bit of insight as to why are they so inactive and usually are on server 1 than on 2.  Even though I know there are usually more people on server 1 but on server 2 is where all the gritty action is ( mostly in red zones anyway ). 

I just want to know if it's really just such a mundane role that the least amount of people play it, and if it is then make a list of the things you'd like for there to be to make your play time as medic more enjoyable ( to be considered by the Sr. Medics and staff ). 

heres the thing i dont mind being medic but people take the piss or troll. or think its ok to shoot your vehicle tyres out or ram your heli because you are rdmed by someone who was shooting at someone else amongst a bunch of other idiot factors. and people constantly think they can talk shit or do what they want towards medics because we cant shoot back or defend ourselves .... and people when they request revive they more or less if not very often constantly disconnect to save there gear ive no idea why this hasnt been fixed yet. and on occasion idiots trying to lockpick your vehicles or threaten to. ive switched servers more often than not to avoid the morons in kavala trolling or shooting out your tyres im sure they know full well who they are. its the idiots who do shit like this might make it unplayable or a damn pet peeve for some 

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I see your concern Bubbaloo, but sometimes there is just not enough time in the day to be able to play medic, just like you we have jobs and other chores to do besides playing Arma 3, for example i am going away this weekend and will therefor not be able to play before monday the earliest.. see my point? Not trying to start a flame, i understand your concern and agree that sometimes there is a shortage of medics online.. But also when there is 2 - 3 medics on duty they can cover the whole server and get all the request over with 

because most of us has other stuff to do than play Arma, we cannot set a 24h coverage on both servers. Beside this, I think we pretty much cover all the peak hours on both servers.

Mostly server 2 is all about the big gangs doin runs, while on server 1 the " small civs " having their time. We try to provide cover above ~15 players on both servers.

It's kinda frustrating btw if you play as medic, and you have NOTHING to do for like 40 mins. You could feel that you just waste ur time. Probably this is why less and less guys playing this role - beside of their IRL things of course.

Personnaly i play 95% of my playtime as Medic, coz i just enjoy it, even it has dead times. But I know that I'm there if someone needs Us.

And yes, I can agree: some bugs really need to be fixed - I guess mostly from Bohemia ( gear saving DC, flyin bodies, etc etc ).




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I definitely understand.  I meant coverage during peak hours, especially on server 2.  The big gangs need their medics too.  Or let's just say if there is only 1 medic on server 1 then maybe switch to server 2 for a while and then back.  You guys do a great job as medics it's just that it is not a role that is played as much as the cop role and it would be nice to have the same activity of cops and medics.  You know how you can always count in at least one cop being on in each server? That is what I'm talking about.  But it is a sigh of relief for us knowing that you guys are on when we are playing :( 

Edited by Bubbaloo
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And again gentlemen I apologize for using the tittle "Medic inactivity".  I did not mean to call it that.  

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I think this is something to be considered.  Maybe put it as a one time entrance or a 10 minute window for entering again to a particular redzone.  But this should increase medic activity as we all know most of the deaths occur in redzones. 

un blacklist me I got this 


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In regards to low medic activity, the largest issue in my opinion is, the role isn't for everyone. If I look at the roster RIGHT NOW, there are 92 whitelisted R&R, 96 if you include the coordinators. Of those, only 33 are Active or Semi-Active (semi-active meaning they've played a minimum of 2 hours last week OR the week before). The remaining 60 are inactive, which means less than 2 hours last week AND the week before.

Most people it seems apply for Medic, try it for a couple days, get bored and don't return. They never get promoted (which is fairly easy if you actually play your first week) and never get a chance to earn money outside of the couple of revives they get. R&R is for roleplayers, not many players want to roleplay anymore, they want to make money and shoot people.

  • Admin

All medic ranks in red zones besides warzones and rebels. GG. Its hard to mess up being a medic.



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In regards to low medic activity, the largest issue in my opinion is, the role isn't for everyone. If I look at the roster RIGHT NOW, there are 92 whitelisted R&R, 96 if you include the coordinators. Of those, only 33 are Active or Semi-Active (semi-active meaning they've played a minimum of 2 hours last week OR the week before). The remaining 60 are inactive, which means less than 2 hours last week AND the week before.

Most people it seems apply for Medic, try it for a couple days, get bored and don't return. They never get promoted (which is fairly easy if you actually play your first week) and never get a chance to earn money outside of the couple of revives they get. R&R is for roleplayers, not many players want to roleplay anymore, they want to make money and shoot people.

What do do you think about Dustin's proposal?, any way to make it work?.  We can build rules around this, of course Sr. Medics will still get all the privileges. 

Edited by Bubbaloo

I know I would play medic a bit more if First Responder had access to the M900 ;) 

Odin is right, medic is not for everyone, its either tearing your hair out stressful, or netflix and chill until you hear the little bing, which is not uncommon to have once every 40min for a server with 10-20 civs on.

Anyhow I do plan to be playing more on medic in the next while, will be a nice change from robbing hahaha

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All medic ranks in red zones besides warzones and rebels. GG. Its hard to mess up being a medic.

Having to bring APD with you into the drug zones provides good interaction and RP, but on the other hand this would mean more work for medics (esp if still rdm immune).

We are working on ways to try to increase medic game play.  

I'd love to hear some specifics!  You guys have all kinds of cool shit brewing in the background for Altis Life, right?

dude if you bring apd i can bet 95% of the people are logging out instead of waiting for you. And APD usually to busy to help a medic get a guy out of a red zone.

Imo, I think the reason why not many Medics are as-active as they used to be is because 1. Lower server populations 2. Assholes (aka rule breakers and overall idiots) 3. School and life issues 4. people disconnecting while requesting a revive and 5. not getting revives for a long stretch of time and get bored. If the server populations get higher, I can guarantee that A LOT more Medics and APD will be on. School and Exile are the 2 big factors of why the server pops are lower. The server is slowly making its way back to where it should be, and where it deserves to be. Until then, we all need to find some way to be more active as APD and Medic. Another reason people aren't on as much anymore is because of Anxiety and Stress, either from school or other personal issues. Me myself I've been dealing with Anxiety, Stress and Depression my whole life, It's something that isn't sunshine and rainbows and is really hard to live with. But don't worry, we all will eventually find a way to be more active and play more.

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