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I don't understand!!

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I was wanted for 446K and was pulled over I told the cops, I wasn't doing anything wrong and they said "We ran the license plate." I asked "Why did you randomly run my plate?" they said they are allowed to. So I asked them how they were able to run my plates while going 150+ kilometers an hour in a chopper they said they have a "THERMAL IMAGING LICENSE PLATE SCANNER" that was just installed the previous day and a lieutenant backed up the story. I don't understand how a cop can pull a random bullshit story out of their ass and get whatever they want. Another example is me being pulled over for reckless driving I asked "What did I do?" they told me one of my wheels went out onto the dirt for a split second. I asked "How were you able to see that?" they told me they had a "SLOW MOTION VIDEO RECORDER". This is bullshit and really shouldn't happen next they're going to say they secretly stuck a satellite up my ass to track my every move. 

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RP BROTHA and how do you know we didn't watch your steps carefully, we can see your every move!

Edited by GhostFace

That's RP, bro. We were completely within APD procedure and RP when we stopped you. Also, I'm a Sergeant, not a Lieutenant.

It's how cops avoid tilde guideline. It could be like back in the day (should be like back in the day) where we could just tilde and not make up lame excuses.

That's RP, bro. We were completely within APD procedure and RP when we stopped you. Also, I'm a Sergeant, not a Lieutenant.

Could have come up with something a bit more practical at least... like idk... the vehicle he's in matches the description of the vehicle he was last seen in.

Or if the OP's story is straight, if he's going 150km+ simply could of just pulled him over for speeding.


A police force wouldn't carry high tech slow motion cameras and thermal imaging license plate scanners(Probably doesn't even exist in reality)

It's not realistic and it's a really lazy way to RP

Could have come up with something a bit more practical at least... like idk... the vehicle he's in matches the description of the vehicle he was last seen in.

Or if the OP's story is straight, if he's going 150km+ simply could of just pulled him over for speeding.


A police force wouldn't carry high tech slow motion cameras and thermal imaging license plate scanners(Probably doesn't even exist in reality)

It's not realistic and it's a really lazy way to RP

Ask GhostFace. He came up with the story. And what we did was NOT lazy. Not by any stretch of the imagination. If we're running back and forth from the chopper using its radio to radio dispatch and the tow truck company, inquiring about this dude's crimes, and he's stonewalling us with the typical "you have no reason to stop me," "you can't run my plates without a reason" rhetoric, then what the fuck? And we're lazy?

Im just saying it seems a bit silly and ridiculous to put words together and then poof they're fact. What would you have done if I said Kim Jong Un told me to do all those drugs and kill all those people or he would nuke Altis? We all know know you wanted the bounty and you would have said anything to get it. I mean once the police have you restrained you can't roleplay out of it, it's simple as that.

actually choppers have no plates they have a FAA license which u could have called the airport to discover who owned said plane since it was violating city air space and that ended that one. also when a vehicle's tires hits the side of the road they must do it more then once in a mile or two to be cosidered a vehicle to be pulled over for a vehicle check due to faulty equipment or possible D.U.I. so i'd stop watching cops on t.v. cause they show a cop how to get into trouble. and before one of you think i'm lying i wore a badge in real life for 20 years. lol


I wanted the bounty? if i wanted the bounty i wouldn't have stood there and rp'd with you for 40 mins but hey next time some cop doesn't rp and robo cops you don't cry on the forums

Do me a favor and upload the video with that go-pro that was on your head.

You must have misunderstood me I was in a truck boxer and the cops were in the chopper they were flying 150+ over me then just flipped on sirens told me to get out of the car then restrained me.

Never seen this happen to someone wanted for half a mil.

oh sorry colton. then the R.P would be that you went off the road a couple of times and i'd have a ground unit respond to pull you over. since the apd was in a chopper that meant you couldn't combat log it or do anything so they had time. and if you didnt stop after you was asked then u could be charged for failure to obey a lawful command from a officer. then once u was stopped a vehicle check could start meeting ur cdl and safety requirements so no points would be placed on your dac report

This is a roleplay server you can't just tilde someone then pull them over. If I have a 2 mil bounty and I walk up to you in kavala square you shouldn't just restrain me and take me to jail you don't know my name.

But paw I asked why I was being pulled over and they told me they ran the license plate they didn't say they saw me off the road. It doesn't matter what they could have done its what they did. 

Edited by Colton

ur right and id make a point if i had a 2 million bounty not to be in a major town thinking that they can't do anything cause they will and all the complaining won't do nothing but put you in jail for breaking rp or if u cause enough of a shit storm then they will consider the ban hammer. so my advice stay out of towns with a high bounty, lol

Listen here shitter, you lost get the fuck over it. smh... kids think there invincible because of a guideline that Cops arent even required to follow.

This is a roleplay server you can't just tilde someone then pull them over. If I have a 2 mil bounty and I walk up to you in kavala square you shouldn't just restrain me and take me to jail you don't know my name.

But paw I asked why I was being pulled over and they told me they ran the license plate they didn't say they saw me off the road. It doesn't matter what they could have done its what they did. 

If you had a 2 mil bounty of only manslaughter's lets say. So you would have 100 manslaughters, Cops in rl would just shoot you on sight. There are things in place to prevent people using the tilda key under 150k while they are standing. You were in a car, therefore the plates could of been used. You get what you put in. Upload the Video and end it at that. 

Wow this is how APD members act, proof right here. They get to return after they die, they can make any bullshit story and send someone to jail and get half their bounty, their "Rubber Bullets" can travel just as accurate as regular bullets and taze pretty much in one shot. Now I understand why all of them are cocky, once you make it into APD there really isn't and reason to go back to civillian life. lol

Edited by Colton

Wow this is how APD members act, proof right here. They get to return after they die, they can make any bullshit story and send someone to jail and get half their bounty, their "Rubber Bullets" can travel just as accurate as regular bullets and taze pretty much in one shot. Now I understand why all of them are cocky, once you make it into APD there really isn't and reason to go back to civillian life. lol

Actually We have to get you down to 10 health before you get tazed, 9 times out of ten we are out gunned and out manned. We get 25k if we lethal them no matter the bounty (even if its a mil bounty), 40% if we jail them and 100% if they pay their ticket. If/when we die we can return, but if its in a illegal area (red zone) we have to go in waves. And on the note of "Now I understand why all of them are cocky, once you make it into APD there really isn't and reason to go back to civilian life. lol" Majority of the APD play on civ.

Edited by Skeeter McGraw

let me explain it from my point, pulled you over, ran your license plate, you asked how so i said a thermal imaging license plate scanner that is mounted on the instrumentals on the heli, you asked how i knew your name, never once did i say your name, you asked why we pulled you over, told you that there has been a tip off about a couple wanted criminals in the area, and that your truck matched the description of one of them and that we ran the plate, and it was registered to a buffalo bill, and you said it was your friends truck so i said okay, and asked you if you knew that buffalo bill was a wanted felon, you said yes so i asked you what your name was you said it was chole or carl, So i asked you if you had any form of I.D. you said no, S, So i then asked you if you were in illegal immigrant since you had no form of I.D., you said you weren't so i said ok i'll call the tow truck and have them come impound the truck and take you back to headquarters till we can figure out who you are, then clemenza showed up, asked you what was going on, you told him admitted your name was buffalo bill so clemenza asked me to radio dispatch and ask if we had anything for a buffalo bill so i ran back to the car sat in it for a good 5 mins then got back out told clemenza what you were wanted for clemenza, Then he asks you about your charges you guys role play for a couple of mins, not sure what was said there, then we get to the box truck, He search's the truck because of the charges, we find the murder wepon for your 17 manslaughters, we question you about it, you admit to it, i tell clemenza im gonna put it in the evidence box in the back of the hatchback, so i run over there and wait a min or two then i ran like 200 meters away from you act like im talking to a tow truck driver and give hiim directions of where your truck is located at i wait till clemenza is almost done then run up and impound the truck and clemenza askes me if i wanted to give you your tickets i do that, then you refuse both then i put you in the chopper and send you to jail, So explain to me what part i was being lazy? or what part was roleplayed?

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