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Edited in a pic of me - 


I have never really used Olympus forums, until joining APD a few months ago. I figured I would make one of these so some of the people I play with know who I am since a few have been asking in the APD TS.

My IGN is simply Watson. I was going by Trevor Phillips for a long time, but as I get older I just want to keep it simple and use my real name now days.

I am 26, and live in Minot, North Dakota which is literally right on the border of Manitoba Canada. I am married with a 2 year old daughter, and I am a mechanic for the Air Force on B-52 Bomber. I recently applied to move to Guam for a few years, so if that happens I will do my best to stay active here.

I am in NW, Mobundo was my first friend when I joined and still chill with him today. Thanks brother for making Olympus fun btw :)

Other than that, I love the RP side of Altis Life, much more than I do the combat. You will always see me getting rekt, and always see me raging. I have a rage problem with video games. (You should have seen me on Call Of Duty, lol) But when it all is said and done, I do not mean any of the things I say. I respect everyone here, I do not think there is a single person here who I can say "I do not like that guy".

Get to know me, overlook the in-game gang beefs and we can probably be great friends :) Have fun people.

Edited by WatsonMinot
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Welcome to something you'll check more than Facebook. Looking forward to your opinions and such on forum topics. 




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Hey man, welcome to the forums. You seem pumped up and ready for some action 8<). JK but again, nice to meet you.

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