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Sean Poppins / Uncle Sam / Senior Cow

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Alright ladies and gents, I am Sean Poppins in game. Uncle Sam on TS, and Senior Cow on steam. I am a Senior Deputy in the APD and I am 16, fixing to turn 17 man. I'm laid back and I love the server, minus the fact that everyone enjoy robbing people when we're n00bs. I try to be as friendly as possible, and do not mind to play with anyone as long as they're cool with me. I'm a junior in high school, and I hate it. Seniors act like freshman, freshman try to act as big as seniors, school is cancer. Anywho, I've been here a while and yeah. If you guys wanna hit me up on steam, just do it man. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072327873/

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I (Senior Patrol Deputy) provide free paint lessons to improve that senior Deputy bade of yours, fellow instructors are Junior Corporal_meth and JustAbout Patrol Corporal Kyle. Hit any of us up to treat the aids signature.

Also, welcome to the server :]

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Hi! im a senior senior senior deputy, so what you want to do, is to MAIN THE SHIT OUT OFF COP! until you can afford yourself some good gear and camp meth. (easy money easy mc)

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