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Building a new pc, need advice!

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I've been saving up to build my own PC for a while now and I just got a new job. So I'm gonna be building very soon! I have been searching around the internet and decided to use PC part picker too choose some parts I like. Keep in mind, I've never built a PC before. So it would be great if I could get some helpful tips and advice from you guys. This is what I've come up with so far. Let me know what you think. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LfJr23 . Like am I missing anything important?? Does everything go well together?? The price at 1600 is good for me, I don't think i would want to spend more than that! Thank you!!

If you're going skylake then you should really take advantage of DDR4 RAM.


The list is slightly pricier due to the MOBO and RAM, but it's honestly well worth it. Higher RAM speed helps in ArmA more so than other games because ArmA is CPU based and RAM is basically responsible for feeding information to your CPU. DDR4 is not necessarily faster but imagine DDR3 being a 2 lane highway and DDR4 being a 4 lane highway. Cars (Memory) can travel at the same speed but a 4 lane highway delivers twice the bandwidth, if you will. It's not an exact comparison but you get the idea.



Try this instead: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/v8WhnQ


It's a hundred bucks more but when you're going skylake then you really don't want to compromise on RAM. That's a huge selling point. Otherwise you should just go with the i7-4790k and save some cash.


6 minutes ago, McDili said:

If you're going skylake then you should really take advantage of DDR4 RAM.


The list is slightly pricier due to the MOBO and RAM, but it's honestly well worth it. Higher RAM speed helps in ArmA more so than other games because ArmA is CPU based and RAM is basically responsible for feeding information to your CPU. DDR4 is not necessarily faster but imagine DDR3 being a 2 lane highway and DDR4 being a 4 lane highway. Cars (Memory) can travel at the same speed but a 4 lane highway delivers twice the bandwidth, if you will. It's not an exact comparison but you get the idea.



Try this instead: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/v8WhnQ


It's a hundred bucks more but when you're going skylake then you really don't want to compromise on RAM. That's a huge selling point. Otherwise you should just go with the i7-4790k and save some cash.


Thank you very much, I'll go with the DDR4 then! This helps me a lot man! :D


Looks fine to me, but what Dili said is a good idea for both the cpu and ram. You have the 980 graphics card (best bang for buck, no reason to go higher). Power supply looks fine. I'm not a fan of water cooling, but in all honesty anything works. Just be careful when you set it up. My only recommendation is that if you aren't planning on doing some extreme video editing, you could probably save some money and drop the processor down to the i5-6600k. That's what I use, and I haven't found a game yet that gives it trouble. You'll save about $100. Here was my parts list, if you wanted to take a look. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Saurafang/saved/BnMkcf

Everything you have there is comparable though. One last note, I'm assuming that windows 10 oem is coming in disc form. You might want to get an optical drive, or you'll have to put it on a thumb drive from another computer, then install it via USB. May cause problems, but I've never messed with that myself.

If you don't have one, get a static protection wrist strap. It isn't very expensive, and it's worth having. You spend about $7 and potentially save $200 in your motherboard by not frying it with an unlucky charge jump.

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  • Head Admin

If you're physically putting the parts together yourself watch a few Youtube guide on how to.  Most of it is simple but applying thermal paste to a brand new processor can be nerve wracking.

Just make sure you don't pull a McDili and go overboard.


Some of the motherboard connections can be tricky too but the manuals usually quite detailed.

Also if you're gonna change to the DDR4 and it puts you over budget you could drop the 980 TI to a 970 cause unless you're going for 4k there isn't any games that is gonna challenge it.

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Thank you all for the responses, they have really gave me a clear idea on what I want to do! This has been very helpful!! 

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