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White Wolf/Leviathan Stream

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Hello everybody! I stream from time to time, mostly when I play Altis Life and CS:GO.


More than welcome to tune in :)

Going to make a 12hr special Streaming session tomorrow 2/5  1200 UTC +2

Hope to see ya all there,


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1 hour ago, White Wolf said:

Well to be honest I  still am a police officer on ASYLUM, even though I don't play there anymore. But you are right and I am gonna change it :) Thank you for noticing


Just out of curiosity, what rank did you attain with the Asylum PD before you came here?

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6 hours ago, Fat Clemenza said:

Just out of curiosity, what rank did you attain with the Asylum PD before you came here?


5 hours ago, Sgt. Salty said:

pretty sure she got sgt ^

Yes sir. I got sergeant November last year and kept it until March this year :)

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8 minutes ago, White Wolf said:


Yes sir. I got sergeant November last year and kept it until March this year :)

Very nice. There's another person in this community who claimed to be an Asylum sergeant, but this was a guy who unsuccessfully attempted to impersonate a woman, so it was a dubious claim. You might know him. Any reason why you resigned your post?

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8 minutes ago, Fat Clemenza said:

Very nice. There's another person in this community who claimed to be an Asylum sergeant, but this was a guy who unsuccessfully attempted to impersonate a woman, so it was a dubious claim. You might know him. Any reason why you resigned your post?

I will be completely honest with you, I didn't resign but was demoted due to false accusations of corruption, leaking information. After spending about a month trying to actually defend myself in front of the captains and the chief of police, actually going all the way up to the community managers I got annoyed and decided to give up on it. It was causing me way too much stress anyways.

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