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Robbing civs

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So I've been noticing a lot more civs being robbed by "rebels" while they were doing legal stuff. I was once I a gang and we wouldnt actually rob those poor civs trying to make money off of legal activities. We would instead engage with another gang at a processor when they were doing drugs or simply kill another gang because *insert reason*. I really find retarded robbing people that cant even defend themselves to get 100k out of it. You could make 1M robbing a HMMET doing heroin instead and get an awesome firefight. I also find that it ruins the experience of new players wanting to play on this server. Those robberies are often rebels showing up somewhere and telling someone to put their hands up and shooting him then lock picking their truck and leaving off to the chop shop. The really "lack" RP (its not like taking them hostage and having an awesome situation where you want your demands to be met, etc). Anyway, all i really wanted to say is to reduce the amount of civs getting robbed that are unarmed and doing legal stuff. It really ruins their experience and let's be honest there's not really a point to robbing them.

It almost boils down to a skill thing. We usually only fight other gangs that are doing exactly what you are talking about. Its easier to attack people with rooks than people with the same gear as you...

So I've been noticing a lot more civs being robbed by "rebels" while they were doing legal stuff. I was once I a gang and we wouldnt actually rob those poor civs trying to make money off of legal activities. We would instead engage with another gang at a processor when they were doing drugs or simply kill another gang because *insert reason*. I really find retarded robbing people that cant even defend themselves to get 100k out of it. You could make 1M robbing a HMMET doing heroin instead and get an awesome firefight. I also find that it ruins the experience of new players wanting to play on this server. Those robberies are often rebels showing up somewhere and telling someone to put their hands up and shooting him then lock picking their truck and leaving off to the chop shop. The really "lack" RP (its not like taking them hostage and having an awesome situation where you want your demands to be met, etc). Anyway, all i really wanted to say is to reduce the amount of civs getting robbed that are unarmed and doing legal stuff. It really ruins their experience and let's be honest there's not really a point to robbing them.


Yeah it seems there is no actual rp anymore, its just "put your hands up" and then shoots no matter what or its just blatant rdm, the other day me and a few other guys took 4 people hostage and the cops at kavala ignored this and only came until we had executed 2 hostages, even when they came they just tried to down us all, We were all pissed off until finally FluffyWolf came from Pyrgos with his new cadets unarmed and gave us our reasonable 300k for the hostages' release and we went on with our way.


The kind of rp we had with Fluffy is what we want for all people to do, not just to barely follow rules and kill someone but to rp and have fun.

This refers to my previous thread I put up. As a newcomer to this server who really wants to rp, it's hard to even want to log into the server knowing that i'm going to get rdm, if I attempt to do anything other then picking apples.


This refers to my previous thread I put up. As a newcomer to this server who really wants to rp, it's hard to even want to log into the server knowing that i'm going to get rdm, if I attempt to do anything other then picking apples.



I think the only way you can stop people rdming you when no one else recording or an admin is around is for you to record, not much can be done without video proof. Also when people do rp and take your stuff the only real way you can stop that is if you find guys to play with or join a gang

Really, it goes both ways here. My gang and I have been in some of the exact situations you described in just the last few days, and typically, every time it goes bad, it's because of bad RP on the side of people getting robbed. Either 'Okay I surrender I'm coming out', then they take shots at you - or just blatantly ignoring orders, and trying to escape. Also the classic 'barrel down the center of the processing plant road, hope they can't get my tires before I'm free' tactic is a pretty frequent one.

I mean honestly, we had a situation just a couple of hours ago - we saw a littlebird in legal processing, we made it pretty clear between us that we were just going to go fuck with the guy and have a chat, possibly leave with a kidney.. Coming in, we texted him and told him not to get in the bird, not to try and spool it up. We've got 5 guys in a circle within 20 meters of it yelling at him on direct chat, and hey, he hops in and goes for the takeoff. Not one text, not one word said on direct chat. It's like some of these people play with no monitor/no speakers.

Hell, I remember one the other day that you personally responded to, Karl. We had the same exact shit with an Oil truck - 'Okay, I'm coming out now I surrender' and then he tries to take shots at us with a Rook. Obviously not all rebel groups are the same, but the Gucc boys, honestly, in green zones aren't there for profit. Just some RP.. Unless you have a HEMTT, then chances are you're pretty well set anyways and can take the loss. And if you're not, well, that's just bad planning.



There's this weird kind of 'Iron man' mentality that seems to strike people in these situations. Cops too, really.. It'll be, say 1v5, and they'll think for some reason that they can just walk through the bullets and be fine. Not only do Rebels need to RP better (and avoid RDMing, rebel license is not a RDM license.. some people don't seem to understand that) but the 'innocents' and APD need to always do their best too. Also know that just by engaging in conversation, it, at least for me, makes it much harder to shoot someone. When you've heard someone speak it makes them human, and it's way more difficult to shoot a human than a block of pixels booking it away from you against orders.

Yeah, the Gucc boys are all about the rp. We ALWAYS reward GOOD rp.

I feel like the cops including myself should also reward good rp, but it seems most don't, they just want the money.

We NEVER take anyone's personal items  (MAYBE a kidney) but nothing they have worked for.


It's like Ish said, no one is scared of dying, so they just run, or they think they can take 6 rebels on 1 V 6 (cops included) Most cops want nothing to do with a hostage situation. but if they just let it happen good times could be had.




Saved a guy who was restrained from getting his kidney cut out, we took him to the salt mine, gave him 100k and let him walk to sofia :P

Really, it goes both ways here. My gang and I have been in some of the exact situations you described in just the last few days, and typically, every time it goes bad, it's because of bad RP on the side of people getting robbed. Either 'Okay I surrender I'm coming out', then they take shots at you - or just blatantly ignoring orders, and trying to escape. Also the classic 'barrel down the center of the processing plant road, hope they can't get my tires before I'm free' tactic is a pretty frequent one.

I mean honestly, we had a situation just a couple of hours ago - we saw a littlebird in legal processing, we made it pretty clear between us that we were just going to go fuck with the guy and have a chat, possibly leave with a kidney.. Coming in, we texted him and told him not to get in the bird, not to try and spool it up. We've got 5 guys in a circle within 20 meters of it yelling at him on direct chat, and hey, he hops in and goes for the takeoff. Not one text, not one word said on direct chat. It's like some of these people play with no monitor/no speakers.

Hell, I remember one the other day that you personally responded to, Karl. We had the same exact shit with an Oil truck - 'Okay, I'm coming out now I surrender' and then he tries to take shots at us with a Rook. Obviously not all rebel groups are the same, but the Gucc boys, honestly, in green zones aren't there for profit. Just some RP.. Unless you have a HEMTT, then chances are you're pretty well set anyways and can take the loss. And if you're not, well, that's just bad planning.



There's this weird kind of 'Iron man' mentality that seems to strike people in these situations. Cops too, really.. It'll be, say 1v5, and they'll think for some reason that they can just walk through the bullets and be fine. Not only do Rebels need to RP better (and avoid RDMing, rebel license is not a RDM license.. some people don't seem to understand that) but the 'innocents' and APD need to always do their best too. Also know that just by engaging in conversation, it, at least for me, makes it much harder to shoot someone. When you've heard someone speak it makes them human, and it's way more difficult to shoot a human than a block of pixels booking it away from you against orders.

As far as I know there is nothing in the rules about having to comply to being robbed, especially poorly planned robberies. I also don't HAVE to talk to you if I don't want to. There have been several times some gang has tried to half ass robb me, literally yawning in mic like "heeeeyyy... *yawn* pull over and stop the truck." All because you think you're scarface because you bought weapons from a rebel camp doesn't mean I'm going to do what you say. If you're going to rob me you better do it right and have your shit together otherwise I'm just going to keep driving and go somewhere else. 

As far as I know there is nothing in the rules about having to comply to being robbed, especially poorly planned robberies. I also don't HAVE to talk to you if I don't want to. There have been several times some gang has tried to half ass robb me, literally yawning in mic like "heeeeyyy... *yawn* pull over and stop the truck." All because you think you're scarface because you bought weapons from a rebel camp doesn't mean I'm going to do what you say. If you're going to rob me you better do it right and have your shit together otherwise I'm just going to keep driving and go somewhere else. 


Exact kind of Ironman attitude I'm talking about. The issue is that players with your mindset don't play the situation as if it were real life - I'm pretty much 100% sure that if you were in your vehicle IRL and four guys ran up to it with large rifles, you'd probably not try to run. It's fine if you want to drive away from people giving you orders, but don't be surprised/don't complain when they open up on you. Like I said, it goes both ways. There are tons of shitty 'rebel' gangs that pulled off half-assed robberies, they're just as wrong as the people that try to flee.

At the end of the day, the point of the game is to RP, NOT to just endlessly collect money. Green-Zone/Legal robberies/engagements aren't (Oil/HEMTT aside) about earning money, but they're about the experience. Technically, we could all hold hands and pick peaches together and never ever fight. We'd all have some kind of money, there would be no reason to buy anything for self defence.. We'd have Tempest Devices at the peach fields filling HEMTT upon HEMTT and raking in the big bucks. But what the fuck is the point of that?.. Somebody needs to be the bad guy. If there were no bad guys, the game would be unbelievably dull.


Know though, the intention is NEVER to make anyone so miserable that they end up leaving the server. That's why we do our best to avoid people that don't give off signs of being well off - basic DMV cars in legal zones are off limits. Unless they're shitty RPers/try to run.. 

Side note: If you're a civ doing legal things and you're being held up by shitty bandits, feel free to give myself (Ismael) or X. a text. We're pretty much always playing together with our group, we'd be glad to help out. We play exclusively on server #1.

I've avoided getting robbed back when I delivered pizza in the hood and you sure as hell bet your ass that I'm not getting out of the car all because you flash a piece at me. Last time some idiots try to roll me at the processing plant I knew what was up as soon as I saw people there. Pretty much every time someone has tried to rob me they're not even 20 yards close to me and they're trying to rush RP as soon as they see me. I'm not going to drive down the road and give them what they want because of this pretense they can just tell me what to do when they don't even have the upper hand. I also spent too much time in the Navy IRL taking orders to let some pissant tell me what to do. Every noob logs on and within 5 minutes the first thing they try to do is rob someone at the gun store or ATM in Kavala like Altis Life is GTA. You can't take 10 steps without some chump trying to "give you orders" and expecting to get an easy payout. It's the same with highwayman yelling at me on the ATV to "pull over." Ok, I'll pull over into these hills and you can have fun trying to follow an ATV through the woods. All because I may look like a legal civ at the moment doesn't mean I don't have an SDAR in my bag and I'm waiting for you around these rocks. 

I did 3 hours worth of moonshine yesterday and an Orca flew over spotted me flew off, I roll up to the distributor about an hour later, Walk in sell one lot get shot in the back. Yes its a red zone yes its KOS but is it excusable? No. Its downright bollocks. Fortunately I had friends who rescued my stuff so problem solved. but the concept of it is ridiculous,,,, Why are red zones KOS? So someone can work for 3 hours and get sniped never seeing the shooter. that's why. If i wasn't a cop I would have quit then and there. 

I did 3 hours worth of moonshine yesterday and an Orca flew over spotted me flew off, I roll up to the distributor about an hour later, Walk in sell one lot get shot in the back. Yes its a red zone yes its KOS but is it excusable? No. Its downright bollocks. Fortunately I had friends who rescued my stuff so problem solved. but the concept of it is ridiculous,,,, Why are red zones KOS? So someone can work for 3 hours and get sniped never seeing the shooter. that's why. If i wasn't a cop I would have quit then and there. 

So your saying that after 3 hours of work if it wasn't a KOS you would have complied with the demands the guy would of been shouting at you? Doubt it, in either scenario you would of been dead. Don't just rush into red zones and don't be doing it by yourself.

I did 3 hours worth of moonshine yesterday and an Orca flew over spotted me flew off, I roll up to the distributor about an hour later, Walk in sell one lot get shot in the back. Yes its a red zone yes its KOS but is it excusable? No. Its downright bollocks. Fortunately I had friends who rescued my stuff so problem solved. but the concept of it is ridiculous,,,, Why are red zones KOS? So someone can work for 3 hours and get sniped never seeing the shooter. that's why. If i wasn't a cop I would have quit then and there. 

To me that's like saying if they would have rp'd you would have come out on top. which just isn't necessarily the case, you never know what could have happened. I Personally think redzones are perfectly fine... TRUST ME HOWARD, I've lost way more than you have to red zones. lol

  • 1 year later...

I didn't feel like reading the 50 Novels people put here but I agree with you I never Rob unless it's a big gang, or a big truck doing meth nothing else.  Robbing people doing peaches or copper or even fishing that's being Toxic which causes the community to Not have many new players to the server or even to the game! I usually will wire new names I see on the ATM any where from 50-100k to help

3 hours ago, JoelProof said:

I didn't feel like reading the 50 Novels people put here but I agree with you I never Rob unless it's a big gang, or a big truck doing meth nothing else.  Robbing people doing peaches or copper or even fishing that's being Toxic which causes the community to Not have many new players to the server or even to the game! I usually will wire new names I see on the ATM any where from 50-100k to help

didnt know this was an old post sorry 

We need KOS zones in the game, IRL ultimately there a places where when you walked in you would get shot.... It also adds for suspense and imo is needed. Anyways on the topic of people robbing civs without guns doing legal stuff, i agree robbing people doing legal stuff in an offroad is a dick move. Why not have some fun if your gonna rob people?

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