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Hi All My name is Matt Shanks and this is my apologies post to all the members of Olympus. I would like to start by apologizing for my immaturity when i previously played here last year, i was ignorant and flat out stupid. I thought i was funny by making fun of people who tried to help others and help me. I would also like to apologize to a couple gangs that i harassed and was banned from Being (MC),(Crook), and (TI). I feel bad for being such a "adolescent Mongloid" and hope that i can be welcomed again at Olympus. Also i would like to specially apologize to 2 People who I immaturely mad fun of : Jopple And Ghost Face. My first thought was to chagne my name so no one would know it was me, but i feel being honest by go better for me. Also I feel really bad about lying on my cop app a long time ago. I feel i have matured a lot since last playing here and i hope that you guys can forgive me. :) 

-Sincerely Matt Shanks

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