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I am about to purchase a few parts tonight to complete my build, should have the parts in on Wednesday (not as bad as I thought was going to be).

Can the guys with experience help me out?

Here is what I am about to pull the trigger on:

i7-6700K Generation 6

NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 4gb

Has anyone used a similar combination, and if so what kind of frames are you pushing on Olympus? I do not mind having to lower the quality of the settings, as low is all ive ever known :/

I just want to see consistency in Kavala. 

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50 minutes ago, Trevor Phillips said:

I am about to purchase a few parts tonight to complete my build, should have the parts in on Wednesday (not as bad as I thought was going to be).

Can the guys with experience help me out?

Here is what I am about to pull the trigger on:

i7-6700K Generation 6

NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 4gb

Has anyone used a similar combination, and if so what kind of frames are you pushing on Olympus? I do not mind having to lower the quality of the settings, as low is all ive ever known :/

I just want to see consistency in Kavala. 

970 is 3.5 gb, it's a scam.

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35 minutes ago, FuzyDice said:

970 is 3.5 gb, it's a scam.

Although the card was falsely advertised as having 4 GB of Vram, it is still one of the best performing cards for its price, has extremely low power consumption, and is small enough to fit in almost any case. Regardless of how upset people are about Nvidia lying to them, their is no denying that the 970 is the best option to go with for a mid - high tier PC build.

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Just now, Quintin said:

Although the card was falsely advertised as having 4 GB of Vram, it is still one of the best performing cards for its price, has extremely low power consumption, and is small enough to fit in almost any case. Regardless of how upset people are about Nvidia lying to them, their is no denying that the 970 is the best option to go with for a mid - high tier PC build.

I know fam, I'm just jokin'.

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6700k is a beast, with a decent cooler and even a little overclocking you'll be rocking 100+ frames with everything on Ultra and a 4-5k view distance with 4k objects no problem at all. In Kavala you'll see it drop to the high 50s when it's a full server. Using a pretty similar setup to you right now (http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/jRLP6X) albeit with an R9 290 with is basically equivalent to a 970. Make sure you pair that 6700k with fast memory to eek out those few extra frames. Throw Arma on an SSD and you'll be good to go.

Arma almost ignores your GPU, if you can grab a 1070 to further future proof your build for other games. If you've already pulled the trigger on that 970 don't worry, it's still a fantastic card even with only 3.5gb of fast VRAM.

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or get i5 6600k and oc it to 4.5 youll have same effect with it as i7 just youll save some money, or just go with i7 and also i'd recommend getting 1060 atleast 970 is good but new generation is new generation :)

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NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 4gb


This card is good but you could get better for much cheaper or I would highly recommend dishing out the extra cash for a 1070 


I have a 970 and while I like the card I think it's a bit overpriced 

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