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This is just a short thread/discussion I am making to see what the community thinks about the Tanoa servers and why the Tanoa servers have such a decrease in player population. Me personally really like Tanoa as a map, but am genuinely confused on why there aren't many people playing on it. I have come up with a few reasons on why the population is so low but they don't seem significant enough for such a low player pop.

  • Strange or Different Placement of Zones (red zones, legals, etc)
  • People just did not buy Apex the DLC.
  • Players dont want to join a server that has no players when they can just play Altis which is fully developed.
  • Runs too easy on second islands.
  • No George Town Square or any city square for that matter
  • Some Drug Dealers Useless such as George Town which the only drug that you could sell is weed which is way easier to go to LignHaven for


This is not me trying to dog on the Tanoa servers or anything, I completely understand that the server is still under development and still has a long road ahead of it. I just want to know what the community thinks.

Nobody on the APD faction wants to play as all it takes is for the criminal to take a turn into the forest and he's gone. Nobody wants i play as a civ as they don't want to learn a new map, also when you go to process and 12 monkeys jump out at you as forst is too dense.

Also some peoples friends don't have the DLC meaning they won't play, in addition to their FPS being crap.

A lot of people like myself don't want to repurchase all the vehicles for both factions therefore they avoid playing Tanoa.

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The FPS is also a major factor. I would love to play on Tanoa but cant because my computer nearly kills itself each time I try to. I have lost way too many helis do to the game crashing too...

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