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About Orbit

APD Officer
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  • Birthday 03/21/2006

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  1. might be 1 and 11 for escorts in the last three days but @ hawkg got me out the gutter 😍

  2. 10mil green about to hit baby
  3. Just so everyone knows if you want to break rules, force comp! You quite literally can’t get banned. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Element_


      Instructions unclear got banned by @ -Shawn- aka ticket muncher

    3. Orbit


      @ -Shawn-  breaking rules is breaking rules, regardless of the idea of comping, if I felt that a player was breaking rules solely to ruin gameplay I should have every right to submit a report and action be taken. I'm in no means telling you how to be staff member, but the context behind a situation is purely unseen in a report. The amount of mass disputing they do, plus the wide range of rules they break, and finally I take the time to submit a report and nothing happens? Sure in grey areas or true mistakes I understand refusing a ban, but when someone is BREAKING rules to break them there should be no issue rendering a ban.

    4. -Shawn-


      @ Orbit  Someone being killed before their DPI jump even finishes and impacts 0 of the situation AND comps way too much money for the situation, that’s usually grounds for no ban. Most staff do not ban for DPI that didn’t matter. Unless they’ve been warned. I’ve accidentally dpi jumped plenty of times (mostly when I came back from maining apex). It happens. And someone that uses the dispute to correct their mistake is exactly what the dispute system is there for. 

      If they break other rules, report them. But when the player you report has no prior warnings and it’s the first evidence of that happening and they handled it correctly, they’ll get some grace. 

  4. When are we getting the updated stats for cops? Ghost hawk lethals, tases, etc?

    @ Toretto

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Strae


      weaz on the bdo grind sir sorry

    3. Element_


      Woah sir thats alot of dev work sir!

    4. Fraali


      Those stats will probably never actually be added due to current issues with adding new stats, just putting that out there. They won't be able to be back-filled with data either, so you'd start at 0 no matter what - Not to mention what people would do just to increase those stats.

  5. At the end of the day there is no reason to drag out half the pos and deputys and give them a free event just because a few tases is inconvenient. I wish I could have sat in on the event but its certainly a better route. What Aegis brings to the table the APD SHOULD match; now all cases are not the same and it depends on the seniors at hand.
  6. They had 6 lethals, the channel was locked, and 85% of those juniors are not by any means "top fraggers". I doubt mass armor was used and I can almost guarantee that lethals were NOT authed. Again its an EVENT; at that its the hardest event on the server. No reason it should be a walk in the park.
  7. This is not at all the strat batcan. Smoke is used to block angles and the armor is used to make it to the wall lol. Aegis was raised inside a canister of smoke nothing new for them.
  8. Me and Caden were in the first hawk that was in BW and zeuse was in the other. 2 armed planes were shot down over rebel boat meir seconds after shooting at the hawk. This is NOT true at all.
  9. If you don't bring the gear then you could have argued in an IA
  10. Again that's here nor there, I play the faction to enjoy it, I also would like to see change, and unfortunately sometimes there is nothing us lower fuckers can do. They've sat in higher chairs then me for a long long time. Not to mention I had to rebuild my reputation from the ground up. Again, its in internal issue, If I had say trust me! It'd be different. I can only go as far as they let my words travel.
  11. Thats a issue within the sAPD and I have nothing to say in regards to it. Again, what was your numbers, I can almost guarantee you had a medic, and the epis came quick.
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