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Thomas Blinder

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Status Replies posted by Thomas Blinder

  1. I don't know whats more cancer, Angels Montage kills, or the intro.. 

  2. I don't know whats more cancer, Angels Montage kills, or the intro.. 

  3. Would anyone be interested in having political parties on Altis? It could open up a lot of RP opportunities

  4. Thank you again to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday, love you fucking mongs

  5. Happy Birthday Baby! H a v e a g o o d s u c c

  6. Happy Birthday Baby! H a v e a g o o d s u c c

  7. Checked into my hotel room for the night. LAPD Background Interview's tomorrow at 0700. 

  8. Idk if I missed it or something but where is gang wars taking place at?? hello??

  9. Anyone got any idea what j could do for the next 14 days...R.I.P gang wars

  10. Gang wars hype for Tomorrow!!!! I CANT WAIT...

  11. Gang wars hype for Tomorrow!!!! I CANT WAIT...

  12. i will be participating in this months gang wars, this will be my first gang wars ever!

  13. i will be participating in this months gang wars, this will be my first gang wars ever!

  14. i will be participating in this months gang wars, this will be my first gang wars ever!

  15. i will be participating in this months gang wars, this will be my first gang wars ever!

  16. 12 Units of Time?

  17. What if auction house had a "buy it now" option.............??

  18. Everyone prepare your butts. Gang Wars 4 is coming. Stay tuned for a post tonight! Start practicing now. 

  19. @Fedot i broke my computer where are you i need your guidance 

  20. I swear algebra 2 is gonna be the death of me...

  21. To whom it may concern I fucking love who ever put my apd tags on the forums <3 I will for ever love you.

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